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Lieutenant Gil Oben

Species: Bolian
Age: 29
Hieght: 6’1
Weight: 175lbs
Hair: None
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: USS Houston

Fitness: 2
Strenght –1
Coordination: 2
Dexterity: +1
Intelect: 3
Presense: 3
PSI: 0

Administration (Bureaucratic Manipulation) (Starfleet) 3(4)(5)
Culture (Bolian) 2(3)
History (Bolian)(Federation) 1(2)
Language: Bolian 2, Federation Standard 1
Social Science (Political Science) 2(3)
World Knowledge (Bolarus IX) 1(2)
Space Science (Astrogation) 1(4)
Shipboard Systems (Helm)(Operations Management)(Mission Ops)(Sensors)(Command) 3(4)
Systems Engineering (Helm Control) 1(2)
Vehical Operations (Shuttlecraft) 3(4)
Athletics (Grav-Ball) 1(2)
Computer (Simulation/Modeling) 1(2)
Dodge 1
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 1(2)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 2(3)
Personal Equipment (Engineering Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Island) 1(2)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 1(2)
Command (Starship) 3(4)
Gaming (Poker) 2(5)
Streetwise (Orion Syndicate) 1(2)
Starship Tactics (Federation)1(3)

Department Head: +2
Promotion: +4 Lieutenant
Ally +3 (Father is a Starbase Commander)
Synergy +2
Rival –1 (Solek)
Rival –1 (Siva)
Code of Honour (Starfleet) -4
Innovative +1
Intolerant (Dominion) –1
Intolerant (Dorho) –1
Famous Incident: (Battles of Betazed) +3

Skill: 7
Total: 7
Courage Points: 3
Personality: Gil Oben, is personable and social. He is often the center of attention in most functions and thrives on popularity. On duty he is more serious than off and is a very competent if informal officer.

Background: Gil Oben has been around Starfleet all his life. Born on the Miranda class, USS Houston, he grew up in the fleet and when he was old enough unsurprisingly joined it himself. In the Academy Gil developed a liking for the work of the Ops department and a love of the game of poker. Both of which he pursued avidly, and earned quite the reputation for his skill at both pursuits. At the end of his Academy days he was trained on the USS Fairchild, as an Ops ‘on-call’ Ops officer, where he met two other Cadets by the name of Solek and Siva, both Vulcans and twins. The three of them competed hotly for positions on the ship but it was Gil getting into the officer’s poker game that won him the most on time on shift and high praise from his CO.

From there Gil was assigned to Starbase 39 in the Rigel Sector where he dealt with a number of ‘interesting’ people there. Though he did do well at his job and over his five years at the base was promoted twice. Attaining the rank of Lieutenant before the Dominion War began. Despite the promise of the Chief of Ops job at 39. Gil a team player could not sit ‘idle’ in a support position while the Federation fought for it’s life. So he put in a request for a shipboard position. His lack of shipboard experience put him at the back of the list but eventually he got his assignment to the USS Valiant – C under Captain Julius Delacour.

On the Valiant Oben truly shined and proved himself to be an excellent choice for his position. Helping the ship to reach victory on many occasions and along with Counselor Nobuyuki, kept the crew’s morale high.

Now at the ending days of the Dorho War, Gil Oben is now the second officer on the Valiant and is general respected ship-wide.