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Lieutenant Rel Ovar

Species: Orion
Age: 27
Height: 6'1
Weight: 176lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Place of Birth: SS Tirael

Fitness: 3
Strenght: +1
Coordination: 3
Intelect: 3
Perception: +1
Presense: 2
PSI: 0

Merchant (Shipping) 2(3)
Persuasion (Charm) 2(3)
Streetwise(Locate Contraband) 1(2)
Culture (Orion) 2(3)
History (Orion)(Federation)1(2)
Language: Orion 2, Federation Standard 1
World Knowledge (Orion) 1(2)
Energy Weapon (Phaser) 2(4)
Security (Security Systems) 2(3)
Systems Engineering (Tactical) 1(2)
Shipboard Systems (Tactical)(Sensor) 3(5)(5)
Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts)(Tethroc) 4(5)(5)
Athletics (Climbing) 1(2)
Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking) 1(3)
Law (Starfleet Regulations) 1(2)
Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1(2)
Planetside Survival (Forest) 1(2)
Vehical Operation (Shuttlecraft) 1(2)
Administration (Logistics) 1(2)
Starship Tactics (Planetary Support)(Dominion)(Orion)(Romulan)(Federation) (Dorho) 2(3)
Espionage (Intelligence Techniques) 1(2)
Gaming (Tongo)(3-Card Whroon) 2(4)(4)
Knowledge (Dorho Sector) 1(2)

Shrewd +1
Marked Man (Mularo Screl) +2
Obligation (Kolar Bem) -1
Patron (Kolar Bem) +3
Bold +1
Impulsive -1
Promotion (Lieutenant) +3
Famous Incident (Backlash Incident) +4
Contact (Marcus London) +1
Low Social Status (Orion) -1
Expatriate (Orion) -4
Code of Honour(Starfleet) -4
Code of Honour(Code of Silence) -2

Skill: +3
Agression: +1
Openess: 0
Discipline: 0
Intiative: +4
Total: 8
Courage Points: 3

Personality: Clever, jovial and cunning. Rel Ovar makes these three qualities come through the most in his day to day life. Though those few who have gotten closer have found him to be caring and even serious at times. Ovar is also a man caught between his Orion concepts of honour and the code of Starfleet he has adopted. Often these two sides come at odds when he is faced with his own kind, and their code of secrecy, in regaurds to illegal acts they undertake.

Background: Little is known of Rel's early life. Just that his family was killed when he was young in a dispute between merchant houses and he was raised amoung the Spacer Clans of Orions who wander the galaxy. At the age of eighteen he encoutered Kolar Bem the famous Orion Syndicate investigator in the FIS, and togeather the pair of them defeated Mularo Screl, a powerful merchant lord and gangster. After that Kolar Bem and Ovar went their separate ways, Kolar though did ensure that Ovar was made a Federation citizen (at Ovar's request) and was given a shot at joining Starfleet Academy. Which he succeeded in doing.

From then on Rel Ovar's life has been tied to the Fleet, he finished the Academy with a specialization in tactics and weapons and got an assignment on the Rigel sector patrol vessel USS Ness, which was successful in stoping several pirate attacks. And as the losses of the Dominion war took their toll he was transfered to the USS Osprey, a Saber class frigate which defended convoys moving up to the Cardassian/Federation border. He did well there, and over his years of service gained the rank of Lieutenant and was made Chief of Tactical. After the war, Ovar like many others took a vacation from active duty, and was rumored to have aided Kolar Bem in another operation but the details of this are unknown. After that he was given a posting on the Backlash where he earned fame along with the rest of the crew when several joint chiefs were brought down by the investigation of Section 31 and it's connection to the second parasite infestation of the UFP.

Now Ovar is assigned to the USS Valiant as her Chief Tactical Officer.