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Species of the Halasia Region


Description: Humanoids with cardildge ridges along the sides of their head, with slightly different coloring than the rest of their body, usually a blue or pink color.

Culture: The Corgani are all part of the Corgani Conglomerate, a central government that both provides the people with jobs and all essentials, though there seems to be a caste system in place as there are some who live in luxury while others have just the basics. Rumors have reached the Federation contact parties that there are other much smaller factions who fight the Corgani Conglomerate but very little evidence has been seen to confirm those rumors.

The Corgani also have a large amount of cybernetic and biological modifications in their society. Many of which seem to be for no other reason than for appearance.

Location: The Corgani System is located in the corward region of the Dorho Sector near the Romulan border.

Affiliation: Independent as of 2378 but is engaged in negotiations with both the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire.

Notes: -


Description: Reptilian humanoids with thick scaled skin and cold blood. All Cythrin encountered have been a shade of green but are reportedly there are brown and black Cythrin as well.

Culture: The Cythrin are inquisitive and thoughtful most have an innate sense of wonder about them and like to explore new things, many of the Cythrin believe in the idea of space beyond their world despite the oppression of the Tivaundae priests. So far only 40 have proven it when they left their world on a Starfleet ship after making contact with them by sub-space communications.

Location: Cythrin live on four worlds in the Kehjah sector. Forty Cythrin live on Kehjah Prime, except for the five who’ve gone to meet the Halasians.

Affiliation: Most Cythrin are reluctant members of the Giver’s Alliance. While the forty refuges work closely with the Federation and Halasians.

Notes: none.


Description: Squat green skinned humanoids with large eyes and hands as well as sharp teeth.

Culture: The Droborians are a very patient culture or rather very ritualistic and procedure based. They have explained this came from necessity as before they developed the rituals they live by the were aggressive and constantly fighting one another. Now they live by a code of conduct which is quite methodical but often aggravates foreign diplomats as it has makes for a long visit to do even the most basic work with them.

Location: Dobrian is 6ly from the coreward border of the UFP.

Affiliation: Independent

Notes: -


Description: Tall ape like humanoids with thick fur in a variety of colors and can move both bipedal and quandrapedily with ease.

Culture: The Dorvites are commonly quite aggressive and war like but show deep loyalty to those of their Tribe.

Location: Dorvalis about 6 light years into Dorho Space from the Federation border.

Affiliation: None

Notes: Romulans tricked the Dorvites into a rebellion against the Dorho and the Dorvites were almost entirely wiped out by the Dorho as a result. Currently the survivors of the Dorho orbital bombardment are scattered and have reacted violently to offers of Federation assistance.


Description: Slightly shorter than average with a green amphibian like skin decorated with colored patches, they have a cartilage hood over behind their neck which seems to focus sound to their ears. All Evora can with the aid of a small device bend light around them making them virtually invisible to view.

Culture: Evora culture was almost completely destroyed by the Dorho invasion and massacre of their people. Forcing them to fight a long term guerilla war on their planet until the Federation liberated them in the early days of the Dorho War. Since then the Evora have done their best to recover their culture and history from their temporary home of Kehjah Prime.

Location: All Evora are on Kehjah Prime as of 2378, but their homeworld is about four light-years from Kehjah Prime but is currently undergoing a ten year cycle of recovery after massive atmospheric damage was sustained.

Affiliation: The Evora are allied to the UFP but have not applied for membership because they feel they need to find who they are before joining any one else in an alliance.

Notes: There are only one million Evora left of a population said to number one and a half billion.


Description: Unknown, the Halasians can very their appearance at whim with the help of their advanced replication technology.

Culture: Halasia is a monarchy as the Empress of Halasia rules the people without any assistance from those she rules. But she is also capable at a moment’s notice able to read the will of Halasia and make her decisions on what she sees there. This has meant a thousand years of almost problem free rule by the Empress who is really a creation of the beings known as the Givers or Enlightened Ones who controls the massive psionic computer which provides the people with everything they need. As a result the Halasians live in peace and prosperity and have what ever they wish given to them, and they have time to pursue whatever it is that makes them happy.

Location: Halasia sits just over the border of the Dorho sector in the Exorus Sector approximately 11.4ly from the closest UFP border.

Affiliation: Independent.

Notes: Halasian technology is years ahead of most species currently found in the Alpha or Beta quadrants.


Description: Most are taller than human average, have tough dark skin, usualy have black hair. They have high foreheads with six openings along them which are their primary means of olfactory detection as well as their nose in insensitive to such stimuli.

Culture: The Kehjah are a relatively peaceful and thoughtful people who until the return of their homeworld by the Givers wandered space in large warp capable arc ships. Since the return of their homeworld the Kehjah have gathered to enjoy a life of peace and stability though many are afraid of going much further than a few meters of the ships that have been their home for their entire life.

Dorho an offshoot of the Kehjah people, are aggressive and arrogant who believe that they are meant to rule over all species in the galaxy because it is their divine right as given to them by the Targan and their Gods. They have enslaved billions in their sector and have created genetically modified replicants of themselves known by the Federation as Grunts, to do menial labour, fight and to hold planets for their empire.

Location: Kehjah Prime is located on the Federation/Dorho Border in the Beta Quadrant. The Dorho hold eight systems in the center of the Dorho sector but once held the entire sector under their control.

Affiliation: The Kehjah are currently petitioning the Federation for membership status. The Dorho are still at war with the Federation despite a year long cease fire and were one time allies of the Romulan Star Empire.

Notes: This species became divided 1000 years ago when the Targan and Enlightened Ones/Givers broke from one another. The Kehjah were guided by the Enlightened Ones, and the Dorho by the Targan.


Description: Short gold skinned humanoids with somewhat pointed features and pointed ears, and gem like eyes.

Culture: The Kypar Alpha which live outside the area formerly surrounded by the plasma wall are a fairly new to the interstellar community having only recently bought warp drive from the Orions. Their culture is general peaceful and placid, almost too much so and they lack the drive most star-faring races possess.

The Kypar Beta are almost an unknown. They are part of the Giver’s Alliance and until recently traversed the Kehjah Sector with the subspace transport units given to them by the Givers. Little more is known about them.

Location: Kypar Alpha is in Exorus Sector next to the Kehjah Sector, Kehjah Beta is in the Kehjah sector one light year away. There are a large number of Beta Kypar on the other alliance worlds.

Affiliation: Alpha Kypar are trade partners with the Orions and Federation, but are an independent people while the Beta Kypar are part of the Giver Alliance.

Notes: none.


Description: Large heavily muscled humanoids with mane like hair and dark slit like eyes. Many favour ritual tattoos and scaring to mark themselves as individuals.

Culture: Little is known of Krehlar society. They were conquered by the Dorho late in the last century and had adapted well to life under their control even if they chafed under the restrictions on continuing clan disputes. Now that they are liberated the Krehlar have returned to their warlike nature but recently one of the Clans has made a deal with the Romulans and may soon find themselves the ruling clan of the Krehlar shortly.

Location: Krehlar twelve light-years from the coreward border of the UFP.

Affiliation: One clan has agreed to be a client race of the Romulans the others are ‘fiercely’ independent.

Notes: Home to a major prison facility of the Dorho Regime where Ralae was killed. Also location of all Romulan/Dorho meetings.


Description: Tall red/bronze skinned humanoids with dark horns and black eyes.

Culture: There has been only limited contact with the Rydan during the Federation’s exploration of the Dorho Sector so there is very little data on them as yet. It is known they are capable of using overpowering pheromones to make people susceptible to suggestion and every Rydan carries a small poison injector with a powerful neuro toxin, which is used to settle duels of honour.

Location: Rydan is near the center of the Dorho sector about 11ly from the Federation border.

Affiliation: The Rydans are a client race of the Romulan empire.

Notes: Have recently received 8 D-7 style Romulan cruisers for defense of their system.

Targan/Givers/Enlightened Ones

Description: Targan are larger than a normal human and have a dark red/brown skin color and have bony protrusions along their head which provides protection to their heads as well the Targan have sharp teeth. Givers/Enlightened Ones once shared their appearance with the Targan but have since evolved beyond the need for corporeal form and now exist as pure energy.

Culture: The Targan are warriors devoted to their conquest of the galaxy as they see themselves as the inheritors of the Iconian’s legacy. They often enslave races as servants and are masters of both interdimentional travel and genetics which they use frequently in warfare. Little is known of the Givers/Enlightened ones beyond their devotion to developing their minds and psionic technology. As well they see fit to share their technology with others if in a limited fashion, such as giving the Halasians the Empress and the Psionic computer she controls.

Location: Targan are assumed to be outside of this dimension. The Enlightened Ones are on the planet between the three black holes in the center of the Kehjha sector.

Affiliation: Independent.

Notes: -


Description: Slender humanoids with multi-colored eyes and long ears that go back along their head.

Culture: The Tarkonians believe in their own self-divinity or rather each person’s spirit is a part of a universal deity and one worships this deity by fulfilling the wishes of the spirit inside him. These people were oppressed by the Dorho and the Targan before the Dorho War forced their planet to be abandoned by the Dorho. Now they seek to rebuild their culture and continue their faith in peace.

Location: The Tarkon system is 19.2 ly from the UFP coreward border.

Affiliation: Independent.

Notes: -


Description: Blue skinned humanoids with elongated heads and fingers, and no body hair.

Culture: Little is known of the Tivaundae beside that they are the keepers of the doctrine of the Giver’s Alliance and use their psionic powers to read the thoughts of the others in the alliance to make sure that there is no heretical groups forming that threaten the Alliance’s doctrine.

Location: All alliance planets have Tivaundae on them.

Affiliation: Giver’s Alliance

Notes: All have psionic powers of telepathy and empathy in the receptive fashion. And were negotiating with the Targan.