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Universe Information

What is Cannon in the Game Universe

1- GM decisions
2- Official Trek Resources and Material (ie: Tech Manuals and the various episodes*)
3- Unofficial published Trek resources, (ie: Starfleet Dynamics, Officer's Bible, New Frontier novels** and LUG Trek RPG books.
4- Star Trek novels and unpublished resources.

* Sometimes tech and world material is sacrificed in an episode to make a good story. So as such judgement must be used to determine what is reliable data an what is not. My rule of thumb if some fact is mentioned twice or has an episode or two surrounding it is reliable.
** New Frontier being higher than the other Novels is matter of convenience. I like their portrayal of the Star Trek universe and so I give them a bit more credibility in my game for that reason.

History of the 15th Fleet.

Ships of the Northeastern Reach. Coming Soon

History of the Dorho SectorComing Soon

Species of the Halasia Region