The Panthers VS Non violent multiracial protests

Civil Rights Essay, comparing panthers to nonviolent movement.

Civil Rights Comparative Essay

	In this essay I will compare the Black Panthers, the Black Power movement

and the non-violent multiracial movement for civil rights.  I will compare

protest strategies and point out the advantages and disadvantages to each



	I will begin by analyzing the goals of the Black Panther Party as derived

from the"Black Panther Party" document.  The Panthers wanted a state of

racial separation between whites and blacks. Blacks would become a

semi-independent, self ruled faction in the United States which would be

monitored by the United Nations.  Their ‘Black Nation’ would be socialist.

Also, they wished to have decent houses and the actual facts to the role of

the black man in America. The Panthers demanded that all black convicts be

liberated from jails and prisons, and they demanded that blacks be exempted

from military service. This is confusing because on one hand they demand to

be treated as decent American citizens and on the other hand they wish to

form their own nation.  This shows a lack of organization and set goals due

to their inherently contradictory statements. They wish racial

discrimination to end, yet they demand that felons be released from prisons

because they’re black. 


	However, the Black Panthers did something that comes natural. They decided

to make sure that racial discrimination and brutality is stopped by armed

members of the Panthers who made sure the police didn’t abuse their powers

towards black people. Although this is a naturally justified action because

of the ‘racial tensions’ of that time, there were several reasons why this

was counterproductive. One is that when a police officer stops someone and

the officer suddenly observes a group of angry armed people watch his or her

every move he or she will not apply the law no matter if it would be

justified.  Since this is directly or indirectly obstruction of justice, it

will bring unwanted hostility from the authorities. Also, the population is

less likely to support an armed group than an unarmed one that poses no

potential physical threat.


	The Black Power movement was a movement which sought to organize the black

component of society.  It would temporarily isolate it and make it stronger

through a project seeking to improve ‘interior’ relations. Thus, once this

goal was achieved the black community could bring an organized, coordinated

opposition to segregation and racism, in this way they would have more

bargain chips so as to receive equality.  This sounds like a wonderful idea,

right? It may, but it isn’t. Why? Because if you isolate any component of

society from the rest you will create strong tensions between the two. And

in this period of time that would’ve been a catastrophic mistake. Once

African-Americans would’ve been isolated from whites a backlash would’ve

been inevitable and the civil rights movement would’ve been killed.  


	The best civil rights protest tactic is without a doubt the multiracial

non-violent method.  This method brings support from all races because of

both its non-violence and its racial diversity.  If you have a protest that

is composed of only black, the whites will shrug, be annoyed and walk away

thinking that they had no business there in the first place. While if you

have a racially diverse group protesting something unfair, the white walking

across the street or watching it on TV will say ‘Yo, these people have a

point- I think I’ll support this cause!’ Another good thing about this

strategy is the fact that if a person sees a whole bunch of guys dressed in

black with AK’s shouting for racial equality or independence, he/she won’t

be likely to support that cause. Instead they’ll probably go back home and

load their shotgun ‘just in case’. While if you see a lot of people taking

physical abuse from a bunch of Klansmen and the protesters’ response is

singing about freedom while a hater is about to smash their brains in, the

reaction is stupefaction, revulsion against hate and then taking to the

streets to support civil rights.


	 Of all the different methods of protest the latter one was the best

organized, most supported and successful rights movement.

        Most of the information has been derived from the following documents:

"Debates Over a Multiracial Civil Rights Movement" and "Black Panther

Party", some information related to the Panthers came from "Black Power".

				Post Scriptum

        Still in 1990’s America we nevertheless have a race problem.  Racial

prejudice is found everywhere from jobs to education to justice.  Between

two people who have the same qualifications for a job the non-black hiring

person will choose the non-black. The Harvard recruiter won’t even look

twice at black person who’s got the same qualifications as a whitie. OJ

Simpson had obviously killed those people, but due to ‘racial appeasement’

they had to let him go.   Prejudices like ‘blacks are lazy’ and ‘thug

nigga’’ are still out there, it hurts me to have to have to write this, but

it’s the bitter truth. Those that say that America is the land of

opportunity, racial equality and justice are blind or in denial. As the

examples above prove, I speak the truth. The fault can’t be placed on any

one group- it was a team effort.  The white says "Blacks are lazy and

stupid, he’s not coming to MY Yale!" So the black doesn’t get to a good

school, he doesn’t get a good job and he’s disillusioned (rightfully) about

the system. His kids grow up thinking that they won’t get anywhere in life,

so they don’t try. The white man says . . . This is a vicious cycle that the

government is trying to address, but the procedure is slow, tedious, bumpy

and unstable. Until this mode of thinking by the people upstairs and the

masses we will continue to live hypocritically.  That’s what I think anyway-

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

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