5 Important Chinese Contributions

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Important Chinese contributions to the world

Paper money- allows our entire banking system to work 
smoothly; allows people to carry large amounts of 
denominations with a minimum weight.  Paper money also 
allows for people to buy lots of things due to it’s 

Gunpowder- allowed for a lot of wars, assassinations, 
threats and other such activities that have changed the 
history of mankind, and may one day end it. 

Printing- allowed such things as the Enlightenment, the 
American and European revolutions, mass communication 
and the manipulation of public opinion, many copies of 
literature, thus circulating new and old ideas and 
improving public education.

Immunology- prevented such things as the elimination of 
native populations through small and chicken pox, and 
other such diseases. Prolonging human life expenctancies 
in most parts of the world in the 20th century. 

Paper- allowed for historical documents to be preserved, 
the basis of our civilization allowing other things such 
as  paper money and books and records, music, poetry and 
a more efficient form of transmitting information than 
by mouth, which distorts it.