
the Site

inside the vault
daily news
Support our Soldiers?
the Essay Lynx

Oh yeah, if your wonderin about those freaks
above...Thats good ol webmaster Heff in the 
Blue Aura,and The Infamous Dark Lord Dameen
with the unhealthy Yellow Radiation Glow. All
the rest of em. There good folks. Should you 
see them on the street say hello. Or not, 
honestly its your choice. Now on to the Creditz 
of this great Vault of Info...

The WebMasters of this horrid pithole thank the following:
Keith   (Providing a nice midi site which we are proud to make use of)

N.E.C   (She submitted us with several poems, we are eternally grateful.)

Lecia (A bunch of quotes, and hopefully some more stuff in the near future)


AluSuicide ((s)he gave us a ton of poems, but no short story...)

Ansel (for the Misused Words, check out his page in our poems section)

High-Lord Damian (for finally joining us)

High-Lord Heff (for getting this gig started)

High-Lord Bogdan (webmeister, a bunch of stuff)

High-Queen Mai (does she exist...?)

iSyndicate (for shamelessly advertising all over the news pages)

Kenny E. (Galileo...)

Quentin Tarantino (for making movies that require a sense of humor)

Al Gore (for stoning himself into thinking that he 
invented the internet)

Justin Wood (for donating over 8 pages of untyped
video game codes i have to type in and then post
must kill many people aargh resist urge just say
no to drugs kill love and peace good must type more codes more codes still
have 2 pages of PS codes)

Austin W. (thankz for TKM4! hope u send in some more stuff.)


no thankz to: u know who the fuck you are you skum sucking

exploitative shitz. that or you're just lazy, so fuck you!!! dammit. 


Stupid Little Kids

George W. Bush

Pat Buchanan

The Moral Majority

and all the rest of ya bastards.