UFO's, EBE's, SDI, MAJIC-12 etc...

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YO! listen up! the Site is not owned by me (Bogdan), It
Is a JOINT tripartite effort (Heff, Damian AND me). The 
WebRing Console includes info from the application sheet 
which asked me what my name was... AAARGH!

******************************************************** ********************************************************

I got these from many different places, i can't 
guarantee wether or not ALL of these documents 
are real. Most are though. Remember: "Trust no one." 
and keep your eyes and mind open. Enjoy. 
This the InfoVault: We've Got It All site is owned by

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inside the Vault
The Official GAO Report on Roswell and much more.
Majestic 12 directory
Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)- has arived.
Picture Gallery (new)
NEW French Defence Analasys on tbe UFO phenomena!!!