




My Report on Galileo

Galileo was born in Pisa on Feb. 15, 1564. When Galileo was about 4, he and his family moved to Florence where Galileo started his formal education at a near by monastery.

Galileo’s father was determined that Galileo would become a doctor. When Galileo was about 15 he started to go the University of Pisa where he studied Medicine and philosophy of Aristotle for the next 4 years.

For Galileo, the years spent at Pisa were a turning point. He never really liked Medicine but found he had a talent for mathematics.

When Galileo was about 17, he confronted his father and told him that he had left Pisa. He told father that he decided to be a math tutor for the next four years.

When Galileo was about 23, he was appointed Math Professor of Pisa University. This position required him to teach Astronomy. For Galileo this meant teaching students that the sun and every thing else in the universe revolved around the earth (This was Pt olemy’s theory)

After teaching at the Pisa University he decided to take up the duties of being a Math Professor at Padua University. There he learned another person’s theory of he solar system. Which said that every thing in our solar system revolved around the sun. This theory was given to Galileo by a man named Nicolaus Copernicus. Galileo found Copernicus’s theory to be more realistic than Ptolemy’s theory.

While Galileo was working at Padua he made his first telescope.

And he then discovered moons around Jupiter. That was his bigge st discovery and that took place in 1610. Then Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany named Galileo his chief Mathematician and brought him back to Florence.

After his discoveries about the moons around Jupiter and sunspots on Venus. Galileo became very well known. He then came up with a way to prove that the earth and the planets revolve around the sun instead of the planets and sun revolving around the earth.

After Galileo was done with researching the galaxy he took up research on falling bodies. He was having trouble because Aristotelian theory said that the earth was stationary and therefore all motion was referred to be stationary.

So Galileo took two pendulums and dropped them from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa and found the law of falling bodies which states that all objects fall at the same speed, regardless of their mass;

and that, as they fall, the speed of their descent increases uniformly.