Greek Myths

- Hades view of univers
- Summary of Greek Creation Myth
- Odysseus, life and people

Greek Myth Devil's Eye View of the universe-
     *Hades, God of the Underworld*
Foolish, foolish mortals!  Somehow they fail to understand that they can’t
prevail against the gods!  Sisyphus the Great Speck of Dust attempting to
stand against the combined will of my brother and I!  His punishment stands
correct, but he deserved more, by Olympus!  Perhaps the Olympians are
growing weak, perhaps I will get the chance to control all of the Universe,
not just some pit! 
	Nay, I am deceiving myself, I rule the world of the dead, I am the most
powerful of the gods- who else can unleash the power of the titans and
millions of others. And have them be loyal to the last crimson drop of
blood, to their savior: Hades.  Yes, I should be content with this amount of
power, I’m rich, I control the crops, ores and lives of every mortal on the
planet and my work is minimal, I’m both feared and respected, worshipped
(quite uselessly, but oh well).  Just a single word from me, and the whole
heavens will collapse into the void of things long gone.   
Ares wishes to talk with me, how interesting.  Should I make him cower
before me? Beg me? Ally with me? Or become a loyal vassal?!  Or, none of the
above! He’s and implacable fool who only cares about blood, he’d be
completely useless for A) he’d blindly dash into a trap with one of my
armies and lose them all in a few minutes or B) try and betray me and thus
inconvenience me.  I guess I’ll just calm him down and then boot him.
A waste of my time, fool! Perhaps I should imprison him in Tartarus!  He,
the bloodthirsty mongrel, demands that I kill the crops in north so that a
war will start! Yes, he DEMANDS! By Cronus, I will increase the crop output
this year throughout the world and ad ten years worth of life to every
peaceful leader!  That should show him the amount of influence he’s got over
Hades!  Albeit, judging by the amount of intelligence the ape has got he
probably won’t place the cause of a sudden drop in fighting on me! It’s a
miracle that he came up with a method of starting a war as complicated as hedid!
Ah, yes. Another batch of puny thugs to add to my collection of souls.  This
looks like a massacre!  What they were ambushed by Imperial forces! Good,
send them as deep in as it gets- no, I must control my anger!  Is not Anger
a gift? Yes, but a gift must be manipulated carefully, or it shall turn
against you. . .   

Breif Summary of Greek Creation Myth-
At first there was void, then things began to appear (mysteriously), suck as
Eros, Dark Night and Erebus who had a kid: Day.
        Then there came Uranus, Pontus, and Gaea, these were the Titans.  Then
there were monsters with many heads and arms, and the Cyclopes. Then came
Oceanus, Hyperion, Eos, Selene and at last Cronus.
        Uranus feared his kids so he locked them away, but Cronus led a rebellion
and during a battle blood from Uranus fell into the sea, and thus cameAphrodite.
        After the successful rebellion Cronus back-stabbed his brothers and sent
them into Tartarus, except for a few whom he still had use for. 
        Prometheus, a Titan, went and lived on earth. To keep busy he made clay
figurines which came to life, thus came animals and humans.
Cronus decided to make sure his kids wouldn’t rebel against him, so he
swallowed each one, but Rhea (his wife, queen and sister) replaced Zeus with
a rock, and Cronus didn’t notice.  Zeus rebelled, made Cronus vomit his sibs
out (full grown) and they divided the universe.


Comparisons between Odyseus's Life and that of all people-
Lotus Eaters, Sirens and Ody
        At first when he faced the lotus eaters he saved his men, and his will
alone was enough to defy the loss of hope, drugs, or escapism- whatever you
wish to call it. But when he faced the Sirens he knew that he would need
more than just his will or his wish to get home. Thus with help from the
gods, (Calypso)  he listened to the Sirens' song. This is different from the
Eaters because there he wasn't even tempted to taste the fruit, whilst here,
Calypso knew he'd be tempted so she told him how to save himself, his men
and still listen to the Song.  Without his trip to Hades, where his future
was foretold he might well have fallen into the Siren's trap. Also here he
trusted his men to obey him and keep him safe, while at the Lotus Eaters he
had to drag his men back to the ship and tie them down, this is actually a
good strategic move. When you place your life in your subordinates' hands
trust increases and so does a common bond- a brotherhood based on mutual
trust would happen.  Unfortunately this didn't happen.  What Odysseus
learned was that his men can be trustworthy and also the Song in itself is a
totally different experience which in itself is something learned.  In the
Underworld Ody learned that the Gods must be respected and that one, no
matter how smart and intelligent, can never win alone.  This knowledge came
into use when he took Calypso's advice (strap to sail and pour wax in year
to prevent sound) and he also applied that knowledge when he asked his men
to care for him.
        I think that everyone in some part of their lives is tempted to stray from
their goal (s).  The closest important thing that ever tempts me from my way
is one thought.  Say for example that I get into a goo college after working
hard in high school, and then I work hard in the college. I get out of
college and start working hard too pay my fee, have money to live, and make
a name for myself in my profession. I attain a name, I get the money to
live, I pay back the college and what happens next? What happens next is
that once I've got the money and the reputation and I'm supporting my self
and my family, I have to continue working hard to maintain my good
reputation, maintain my pay check, send my kids to college, buy a house, get
my wife a nice gift once in a while and thus I would live most of my life.
Until one day I would wake up and realize that I'm retired and that my life
just went by through hard work and through the hard work I just get the
reward of doing even more work.  I haven't taste life and in truth I may
well have achieved nothing.  Of course there's a logical conventional answer
to this which I end up following- or at least try to.  The answer is, I work
hard so my offspring won't have to go through the same stuff I went through
and so that they can have a better life than I did and maybe leech off of
what I achieved. And maybe, just maybe I may get to do something positive
for the world. That's the answer and in truth, the answer is you get to
sacrifice yourself in the hope that the gods will be appeased and that
they'll shine on the world or your kids a little bit brighter.

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