What's New

the Site

Inside the Vault
Research Divison

Took down frames, streamlined .index a little bit. 
basically im just going to review the site over the weekend. Fix links. All the lame maintenance stuff.
I think we're going to revamp the site. so, hold on to your pants all you millions of fans!

got three essays up and tried to make the frame a bit
more logical

searched my personal archives, found a few decent essays. 
stuck em up. checka checka checka check em out.

stuck up a thank you Gore on the creditz page, 
i accidddentaly clickeed the wrong page to edit. 
oh well.

got a new essay up: How 
parental views of childhood affected the rearing thereof during the 16-18th centuries

got frames up n running. damian said he posted something
so i guess so. umm, yeah along with being close to the InfoVault celebrating one year of existence we've 
brought it back from the dead. expect some essays sometime soon and section updates.

InfoVault Info

Pucking sheet. Damian hath decideth to updateth. Of course, he only updated a page that has
something to do with his own sheit: Pimp Friction. Click on the juicy link at the beginning
to find out some gory tidbits out that eipeliptic poker-patter-praddler. Bahoo.

Got  INFOVAULT FREE EMAIL HOSTING working. so now u can get free infovault email addresses!!!  Check that out. and that's 
about it.
oh yeah made an angelfire sign in, sign up Email Page

got site registered w/like 37 engines.
got a search engine that only searches our site up:
It Works Too!
will get a chat thing up sometime soon (today maybe?)

got quite a few things done today:
-Pink Floyd band pix
-Made a Floyd Images index
-added a few links on the Pink Floyd Lynx
-made the floyd section a bit more navigatable.

fixed link to Pink Floyd's History on this page.

put up two new links to religous sitez. one helpful, one amusing
- Pink Floyd's History
- TRW airborne laser in the EBEindex
- Pink Floyd Lynx
- cool someonelse (11.01 pm France time) is updating this right now, or a bit before!!!
-got up a bunch more floyd lynx on Pink Floyd Lynx
-got a 3rd Floyd images page up
- got a bunch of new pix spread throughout the Floyd section.

Added a little to Randompix...heh. Added a link.
for the past few days i've been working on a gigantic
new Pink Floyd section. It's got a
complete (still need to throw in 2 more albums) 
discography w/lyrics and pictures and comments. 
also added a Random Pix page where we can
show anything we can't classify but think it's view-worthy. Still have mucho work to do on the Floyd section
(history of band, band member bio's etc...) k done
for tonite (its 11.33 pm right now take 7hrs down to get Chicago time).

-changed  InfoVault HomePage by adding  Disclaimer/IV philosophy page 
-added pic on Heroin taken from Pulp Fiction
-added one Pulp Fiction Essay
*and that's it for now. i'll be gettin another antisocial essay up sometime soon. Sat. 12 pm your time i'll be available for chat w/AIM. 

Made us a Heroin/Opiates Page for drug index.
Stuck up my essay on School Spirit.  Give it read, others
found it to be quite amusing.
- got meth page up,  still lookin for cheats, split floyd images up. 
got area 51 and ufo pix sections up in the Ebe index.
added 6 Working rage pix.a

will make meth page. Will add many mac game cheats. Will
split Floyd images page.

added shit load of new graphics:
-all drug pages+one midi on coke.html
-lyrics.html (1 korn + 1 rage) 
*click on the button on the first page (ia/infovault/) to see our site as ranked in the top 30 essay sites

-next on the to do list is getting a bunch of ufo pix,
splitting floyd page, fixing rage pix (none work) and then makin the meth page and then adding more lyrics. hopefully i'll be helped on these. 

integrated 7/14 SDI articles into the Site, added one 
new graphic on miracl.html
added links back into the Vault on this page, look above. 
going to finish integging UFO articles today. Will post some computer game cheat codes.

-got UFO's done, as promised.
*over the next week/days i'll be improving the site's graphic
look. also i hope to get around to adding the Meth page in the info section. 
byebye. blue monkeys are silly things...

got coke page and marijuana finished, reorganized
Cheat codes and vault.html, twitched some color schemes
made some pages more viewable. Next on the list is integrating
UFO articles, ooph. gotta go do hw for tomorrow...

yo! je suis back to work. built a drug section w/info.
made lsd page n working on marijuana. 

Damn, we get slower every day.  Added a link to ollies
news site. COMING SOON - SMOOTH RPG PAGE - that is if
me and dameen get around to it.
With the new begining of skool comes more essays, put
up one on Plato's The Cave. New NIN 
Heff here, put up some new lynx...skool has begun...Bogdan won't be back til Jan...goin slow.
hopefully we'll pick up the pace, but dont expect it.

Hmm, I did a little reorginizing and censoring, at
bogdans request, stuck a midi on Vault2, and i'm going
to add a link. 

Hey i think i erased this by accident, oh well, wasnt
really that new anyway. Tonight I actually worked, I
cleaned up the vault section so check it out. Finally
Gave N.E.C. some deserved credit. added some unthanks,
moved the pic of Heff and Dameen to a better spot. and
other stuff. check it out