Other Stuff

Bullet In The Head-RATM

Table of Contents:
-LD 1AC (debate)- Society Vs. Individual
-Geography- Asia
-Geography- Zimbabwe
-Recipe- Crescent Butterhorns
-Essay on Art, mainly focused on music
-WWII current events of 1942 (foreign affairs)

Great LD 1AC Society vs Individual, soc>individ- Heff
 I agree with Mao Tse-Tung when he said, "The individual is subordinate 
to the organization."  This belief brings me to argue for the 
affirmative on the resolution, R: That society is more important then 
the individual.  
        Some terms I want to define for my arguments are society, individual 
and justice, which is the value I will base my arguments upon.  I 
defined society as an organized group of people.  Individual I defined 
as a single person distinguished from a group.  I defined justice, my 
value premise, as the value of equality and fairness, and the belief 
that each person deserves his or her due.  I have two arguments to back 
up my beliefs.  
        My first argument is that without society, there can be no justice.  
For example our society's justice system punishes criminals for their 
actions.  Such a system requires a whole society to work.  People need 
to propose ideas, then revise and perfect them and pass them into laws.  
Yet more members of society are needed to enforce these laws and bring 
those who break them to justice.  Even more people are needed to work in 
the court system as judges and lawyers.  Even people not directly 
involved with the law system become a part of it while serving on jury 
duty.  Without all of these people our justice system would be less 
affective, and without a society at all, and with the justice system I 
the hands of an individual, justice would be nonexistent.  I have 
observed in the news of late that when individuals try to take justice 
into their own hands, the result is not what we call justice, but rather 
terrorism.  For example, the recent abortion clinic bombings, where 
instead of taking legal or political action against abortion, the 
bombers use violence to deal with an issue they oppose.  This is not 
what I define justice as, but rather the endangerment of innocent lives.  
        My second argument is that society preserves justice for many 
individuals, while attempted justice by an individual doesn't help 
anyone.  The very fabric of our nation, the Bill of Rights, in the sixth 
amendment guarantees the right of the accused to a speedy and impartial 
trial, which grants both the accused and the victim quick, unbiased 
justice.  This justice is given to all members of society, not just 
some.  No citizen is immune to the law, nor is any citizen presumed 
guilty without a fair trial.  For example, the government is bringing a 
lawsuit against Bill Gates.  Not even the richest man in the country is 
given immunity to the justice system.  Society implements a justice 
system to benefit all members.  
        In conclusion I hope that you see the value of justice proves, that 
society is more important than the individual. 


Asia, the largest country in both area and population, home to around three billion people,
being about three fifths of the world's population, stretching from the arctic of Siberia to the
tropical islands of Indonesia and from the oil rich deserts of Saudi Arabia to Japan. Asia is
divided into five regions, the North, the East, the Southeast, the South and, the Southwest.

The North is made up mainly of the Asian part of Russia, also known as Siberia. There are
few inhabitants because of the harsh climate. This area has an extreme continental climate
with long, cold Winters and short, hot Summers. The temperatures can vary from between
96° to -96°. 

The East region of Asia is made up of China, North and South Korea, and Japan. This region
has many cities and lots of people. It contains such cities as Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul and

The Southeast region of Asia is made up of thousands of islands and some coastal countries.
The climate is tropical and this region gets a lot of rain.

The Southern region of Asia is made up of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and Bhutan.
Parts of this region are very densely populated and overcrowded. These things lead to poor
living conditions for many residents in India and Bangladesh.

The Southwestern region consists of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Israel,
Jordan and other nearby countries. This area is very rich in oil, where beneath the surface of
Saudi Arabia's vast desert there is a great amount of the world's petroleum supply.


I.  Introduction 
A.  Country
B.  Names 
II.  Religion
A.  Christians 58%
1.  1/3 Protestant
B.  1/3 Catholic
C.  Hindu and Islam 1%
D.  Snakes are considered lucky
E.  Pray to god for help with work
III.   Nationalities 
A.  10,643,000 people in 1993
1.  98% Black
a.  Shona 70%  
b.  Ndebele 15%
c.  Other 13%
2.  less than 1% white
3.  rest are Asian or mixed race
IV.  Family life
A.  In Villages Most men hunt and fish and most Women tend to gardens 
and grind corn
B.  Love and Marriage 
1.  to show a woman a man thinks she is desirable - Coat Button
2.  to show a man a women thinks he is desirable - intimate clothing 
3.  Groom must pay father of Bride to be
4.  Father picks daughters husband
C.  Household Life
1.  in villages they believe that the old become kids again
2.  No electric lights in homes
3.  Houses in villages made of mud and grass
D.  Tourist Attractions 
1.  Victoria Falls 
2.  Kariba  Dam 
3.  Hwange National Park

V.  Economy
A.  Farming
        1. Crops
a.  Corn-Tribal farmers
b.  Main Crops-Tobacco, Cotton, Wheat and Sugar 
2.  Livestock
a.  5.7 million cattle
b.  1.7 mil. goats
c.  580,000 sheep
d.  190,000 hogs
e.  10 mil. chickens
3.  Most blacks are farmers employed by whites
4.  14% of National income comes from Agriculture
5.  Agriculture is main source of income for 74% of people 
B.  Mining
1.  Gold, Nickel, Coal, Platinum and Chromoliom ore are mined
2.  6% of National income comes from mining
3.  Most minerals are found in the Great Dyke
                        a. Great Dyke is geological formation in Zimbabwe 
C.  Manufacturing 
1.  Autos, Textiles, Chemicals, Leather goods and Tobacco products are 
2.  27% of National income comes from Manufacturing
D.  Other
1.  Main Railroad is focus of transportation
2.  Most power comes from Kariba Dam
3.  Lead trade partners are Great Britain, South Africa, Germany and US
VI.  Clothing
A.  Blacks in Cities  were business suits
B.  in cool weather girls were shawls and boys were jackets
C.  No winter clothes 
D.  Western clothes are worn
VII.  Language
A.  Official languages are English, Ndebele and Shona
B.  Zimbabwe means House of Stone in Shona
VIII.  Food
A.  Usabi-Boiled leaves mixed with homemade Peanut Butter
B.  A common Breakfast is Cornbread and Tea
C.  Afternoon Tea- Sliced Cucumber on Bread
IX.  Government 
A.  8 providences
B.  2 leading political parties are Shona and Ndebele
C.  Official name is Republic of Zimbabwe
D.  before 1978 most blacks couldn't vote
E.  Now Constitution guarantees rights for all
F.  Member of UN
G.  Capital is Harare
H.  46,900 active troops
I.  Presidents are elected for six year term
J.  Robert Mugabe is current president
K.  lead by President and 150 member senate
X.  Recreation 
A.  Tsoro-game like Checkers
B.  Kadoda-game like jacks
C.  Mahombe-game like house
D.  kids like wire toys
XI.  History
A.  people have lived in what now is Zimbabwe for about 100,000 years
B.  Around 1000AD the Shona people built a city called Great Zimbabwe 
C.  for almost a hundred years Zimbabwe was known as Rhodesia
D.  in 1980 Rhodesia became Zimbabwe
XII.  Education
A.  Integrated schools
B.  Most schools are private or religious 
C.  Primary Education is free but High School is not
D.  in 1950 80% of black Zimbabweans attended school
E.  Most Schools have Uniforms
F.  You are not required to attend school
XIII.  Miscellaneous facts
A.  Currency: Zimbabwe Dollar (1 =  $.12 US)
B.  National anthem is God Bless Africa         


        Crescent Butterhorns           
1 pkg. dry yeast 
* c. warm water 
* c.  scalded milk
* c. shortening 
* c. sugar 
2 tsp. salt 
3 eggs
4 * c. flour
Soften yeast in warm water (110°). Combine milk, shortening, sugar and 
salt; cool till lukewarm. Add 1 cup flour, yeast and beaten eggs; beat 
well. Stir remaining flour or enough to make soft dough. Knead lightly 
on floured surface, 5 to 8 minutes. Place dough in greased bowl, turning 
once to grease surface; cover and let rise until double (about 2 * 
hours). Divide dough in thirds; roll each third to 12 inch circle. Brush 
with melted butter. Cut into 12 inch pie shaped wedges. Beginning at 
wide end of wedge, roll toward point. Place, point down. For crescents 
curve rolls. Cover and let rise until very light (about 1 hour).Bake in 
hot oven (400°) 10 to 12 minutes. Makes 3 dozen rolls.

                              We eat these rolls on all special 
Art(Mainly Music)Essay-
That Which Is an Essay on Art
"If ignorance is bliss, then knock that smile off my face!"- Rage Against
the Machine

	My favorite art inevitably contains rebelliousness, originality, social
awareness, it’s got a message and has interesting ideas.  
	I believe that art should represent beauty, or at least it should bring
pleasure through the senses.  Art is always artificial, never natural.  
	When I say rebellious I mean just that.  It urinates in the river called
Mainstream, and rebels against the status quo.  Probably the best example of
this is Rage, here’s a quote- slightly altered for the sake of a good grade,
that may explain my thoughts:  "Fight the war, f*ck the norm"  Rage Against
the Machine track nr. 6: Know Your Enemy.  Another great example, only this
time it MUST be much more general- for the sake of justice, is Pink Floyd.
All that is PF is rebellious, innovative, socially aware, and it’s got a
message- so you’ll see Pink Floyd written all across this essay. 
	Wow, originality. First of all it’s getting harder and harder to find
something original these days. Take for example Microsoft.  DOS was
blackmailed from its maker, PowerPoint was  bought and Windblows was a
blatant rip off of  Unix. Oh, yeah don’t forget Anus Explorer- the wonderful
internet browser that looks suspiciously similar to Netscape, only Explorer
is slower and crashes more- but that’s beside the point isn’t it? Verve
stole Bittersweet Symphony from the Rolling Stones, Puffy’s  Come With Me is
just a modernized Zeppelin song and everything else is just stupid mass
brainwashing, Barney stuff.  I mean is Apple the only original left? Is it
the only one with enough imagination to make the iMac, the Sherlock search
engine?  Intel still sticks to ads based on some guy dressed in purple
dancing around and making a slow processor look cool, books written in the
‘90’s are just other plots with a different author, Hollywood is stagnating
etc. . .	As for social awareness, it’s amusing how most of the good satires come
from the Cold War Era and the Happy Days.   Here’s a short list of good
satires: 1984, Brave New World, Foundation Trilogy, Animal Farm, Fahrenheit
154, the Wall, the Final Cut, Welcome to the Machine, Money, War (Bob
Marley).  The list could go on and on, these were all made during that
wonderful period of political turmoil, show wars, and  originality.  
Of course the above list takes care of the Stuff With A Message category and
Interesting Ideas, but to that I’ll add Rage Against the Machine  (Daaaa!).
Well until the time for all these qualities to arise once more, we’ll just
have to be content with what we’ve got.  Yeah Right!
"If we don’t take action now, we’ll settle for nothing later" -RATM

Current Events(humorous)-
1942 foreign affairs news.
Ya Gotta Love the Weather Down in Stalingrad- Hitler Sure Does
In July this year the Nazi 4th and 6th armies have been laying siege to
Stalingrad- the cradle of communism.  The armies combined have an estimated
strength of 300,000 troops.  They haven’t been doing all that well since our
Russian allies were putting up some serious resistance with their highly
sophisticated cavalry and pitchforks, they did, they really did.
	Upon the date of August 23 the Nazis severely bombed Stalingrad into ruins.
A dual Soviet attack from north and south, planned by the Russian generals
Zhukov, Vasilevsky and Varonov, encircled and isolated the armies from each
other.	Casualties for the Russians during the siege have been estimate at a
million. And on the Nazi side only about 90,000 are left. 
So far Hitler has refused to allow his armies to retreat despite freezing
cold and starvation.Escape Routes Galore
The historical Chateau Chenonceau once inhabited by Henry the IV’s lover
(Diane de Poitier) then by his wife (Catherine de Medici) now serves as a
war hospital, and one end of it is in Vichy whilst the other is in occupied
France.  Gateway to Freedom? Ya bet ya.We Put the Fun Back in Funeral
A small Vichy village has it’s cemetery in Occupied France, so the Nazis
allowed the village’s occupants to go back and forth across the border
freely- big mistake.  It came to the German’s attention the astronomical
number of funerals in that village. The Census Bureau did a small
calculation and wound up with the result that at the current rate of death
in that village- every occupant should’ve been dead some time ago- it’s a
crazy world out there!Desert Fox- Out Foxed or Out-matched?
Neither really: Here’s what happened.
	On May 26th Rommel, the German Tank Commander started a drive through
Libya.  He pushed the British forces back to El Alamein.  There the brave
and wise British general Montgomery builds his forces and repels the weak
offensive Rommel used, Rommel had few supplies, tanks and men left. A
sea-saw war begins across the Libyan dessert at last, after a few beatings
Montgomery sets up at El-Alamein and awaits, and builds up against, the
Dessert Fox.  And not surprisingly Montgomery won.Pacific In Short
The capital of Burma was abandoned on March 7th.  In the late February
McArthur received a presidential order to evacuate from the BantaamPeninsula. 
On April 18th 16 North American B-25 medium bombers took off from the
Hornet, flew at treetop altitude and bombed Tokyo. This heavily damaged
Japanese morale since they had been assured that nothing could be done to
Japan itself- and we got our revenge. 
On May 4-8 the first battle in history where two navies fought without
exchanging a single shot, this was at the Coral Sea.  Airplanes were used
instead.  Also more than 25 Japanese ships were destroyed. 
On June 3rd a patrol plane off Midway located the Japanese, the US fleet was
alerted and the US navy attacked from behind the enemy destroying its
offensive capabilities.On Aug 6th the US took control of the Solomon Islands.