Paranoid U's poems (kind of. . .)


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Ansel's poems and songs, they're pretty cool, so checkem out!!!

Screen name's Paranoid U, i don't apologize for any lacks in my poems,
so learn to cope with it. However there is no rhyme scheme so any 
rhymes are completely acciental. send hatemail (seriously) to and then i'll delete this page.

"i lay, a fallen angel 
watching the heavens 
they are purple the sun is black 
blood all around me
the blood of those who believed my lies,
my lies their truth our prophesy
my life their prison our system 
their god doesn't exist and they blame me,
oops- guess i lied, there is no mercy hell or heaven
there is only Death and me"


Heaven's for the Sheep

"my eyes aglow
my soul alight
i see that 
which they can't
i feel their grip
i see their grin
you see it too
but you say you're blind
you say you don't see or hear
you don't feel the hate and hypocrisy
they showed us the fruit
and then told is was the Devil's
they oppress our thoughts, they oppress our soul
in the name of a god long six feet under
we'll excomunicate, we'll Bull
obey or hell awaits you
well fuck you too
Pope Genocide
'cause i'll see you there
oh you know where
heaven's for the sheep, and i'm no sheep"


"watch run kill. . .
who are they?
they are your fears enemies and lovers
who are we?
we are nothing but a gust in a hurricane
and the whisper in the scream for help
watch run kill. . .
who are you?
you have no face only masks 
layer after layer after layer
only masks
you have no feelings you don't exist
we made you and your masks
we have no face only masks
watch run kill . . ."


"they stole my soul 
they froze my heart
they said they were gods
they said i could be one too
i gave them all, they took even more
am i still alive?
they tell me so"


"they shoved the needle in my vein
i was told to fight resist defy
obeyance is death
yet i sat and watched the world die
the voice inside protested- i didn't listen
i went with the sea, i am the sea
what happens when the sun gets too hot?"


"the gun on the third eye
coldness inside of me 
its cold outside 
the trigger pulled
the barrel turns into a tunnel
a light, i see a light
but its just a train
700 miles per hour
the rail is cold
but the chains are colder
chains of life broken under the wheels of Gods
they tried to help- but i turned my back
and now i die"


"who am i?
i look inside
i find darkness
i find nothing and everything
i ask others
who am i?
they shrug and turn away
or they try to exploit me
a world of confusion chaos and pain
my mind convulted
my soul tormented
i reach inside 
only to be burned
who are you to tell me who i am?
i feel fear desperation hate and love
all the same i feel empty
they shove push me hit me
i look at them with empty eyes and laugh"


"don't judge me
you don't know me
walk my shoes and you'll be confused
reach inside yourself, you'll feel the pain
i'll try and hear your scream for help
but none can hear
we're all deaf
we can't hear one another 
much less ourselves
we don't fight
we just watch and pray
as our lives drown in the machine-
welcome to your world, because it's mine"


"wisdom lies beneath insanity
blue eyes of dark blue sea
wisdom's love
you help me die only to be born again
you break the ice
only to find cemented walls
love is nothing 
a futile attempt at personal rebirth 
through death,
the misery you cause sorrounds me
it makes me beg for more
is it love i feel, or is it just another bullet in my head"