Pulp Fiction Essay/Summary/report.

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Once we'll have a Pulp Fiction page i'll put a link to it. But we don't. So, read, enjoy, and inspire thyself:

                       There's a passage I got memorized,
                       seems appropriate for this
                       situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "The path
                       of the righteous man is beset on
                       all sides by the inequities of the
                       selfish and the tyranny of evil
                       men.  Blessed is he who, in the
                       name of charity and good will,
                       shepherds the weak through the
                       valley of darkness, for he is truly
                       his brother's keeper and the finder
                       of lost children.  And I will
                       strike down upon thee with great
                       vengeance and furious anger those
                       who attempt to poison and destroy
                       my brothers.  And you will know my
                       name is the Lord when I lay my
                       vengeance upon you."

‘Warning: Uncensored Version, u might need to edit it a bit…’

Pulp Fiction

"Pulp Fiction" in 90’s Los Angeles. It was written and
 directed by Quentin Tarantino (Jackie Brown, Reservoir
 Dogs,  a short in the Four Rooms collection, starred in
 From Dusk Till Dawn, etc…). The cast of the film
 contained Bruce Willis, Uma Thurman, John Travolta and
 Samuel L. Jackson.
Bruce plays a pugilist (Butch); Uma plays Mia
 (Marcellus’ , a big gangster guy- he’s funny, wife);
 Sam plays Jules ( a kick-ass hired killer/hand), and
 John plays Vincent (Jules’ partner,  Mia’s lover, coke-
I’ll give a vague outline of some of the important parts
 of the movie.

As Jules and Vincent go into a building, where a bunch
 of debtors to Marcellus are, Vince tells Jules that he
 (Vince) has to take care of Mia, in the sense of taking
 her out to dinner and shit.
After a few classic speeches executed beautifully by
 Samuel (such as the wonderful: "Does he look like a
 bitch?" "No." "Then why did you try to fuck im like a
 bitch?") and the great Ezekiel 25:17, they blow the
 motherfuckers away, except for one who they take with
 (he’s an acquaintance of Jules).  As they drive back to
 Marcellus, Vince accidentally blows  Jules’ friend’s
 brains throughout the back seat while asking him a
Finally they get back to Marcellus. This is where the
 story takes a different twist. 
We are introduced to Butch (fucked up name for a boxer,
 heheh). Butch just got a shitload of dough to lose a
 match from Marc.   
Forward to Vince buying very pure Heroin. Then unto the
 date, great date blah blah.  They get back to Marc’s
 house, Vince goes to the bathroom, and when he comes
 out he finds Mia laying down after having snorted his
 Heroin, thinking its coke. She kind of overdosed.  He
 saves her though during the hilarious ‘Adrenaline Shot
 Scene’. At the end of which she tells a silly lil'
 joke: MIA
                       Three tomatoes are walking down 					 the street, a poppa tomato, a momma
                       tomato, and a little baby tomato.
                       The baby tomato is lagging behind
                       the poppa and momma tomato.  The
                       poppa tomato gets mad, goes over to
                       the momma tomato and stamps on
                       him --
                            (STAMPS on the ground)
                       -- and says: catch up.

 Butch accidentally kills his opponent in the match,
 from which we can deduct that he won it. He starts
 making preparations for the getaway, but he sort of
 meets Marc on the street. A gun battle breaks out, a few bystanders kind of die. Then they stumble into an
 arms dealers shop. He turns out to be a fucked up
 sadist, he ties them up, then calls his cop friend to
 join the fun.  They take Marc to a third room and leave
 Butch tied up. He unties himself finds a katana,
 promptly cuts up a few of the sadists, and frees Marc
. Marc takes a shotgun and shoots the dealer between the legs (ouch.). All thankful like Marc allows Butch 24
 hours to git outta town and never come back. That’s
 kind of the end, to get the whole story in you should
 read the Script