Roswell Incident

Part II

(the InfoVault)

the Site


The UFO’s/Aliens section

The Document:

Retired General Arthur E. Exon was stationed at Wright Field in Dayton,

Ohio, as a lieutenant colonel in July of 1947 during the time the wreckage

from Roswell was brought in. In a 1990 interview, General Exon said of the

testing, "Everything from chemical analysis, stress tests, compression

tests, flexing. It was brought into our material evaluation labs. (Some of

it) could be easily ripped or changed...there were other parts of it that

were very thin but awfully strong and couldn't be dented with heavy

hammers..." Of the men that did the testing, he said, "...the overall

consensus was that the pieces were from space."

The testimony of Mr. Glenn Dennis leaves little doubt about the nature of

what was recovered in 1947. Glenn Dennis still lives in the Roswell, New

Mexico, area and is a respected businessman and member of the community. He

is down-to-earth and straightforward. In 1947 Glenn Dennis was a young

mortician working for the Ballard Funeral Home, which had a contract to

provide mortuary and ambulance services for Roswell Army Air Field.

Prior to learning about the recovery of the unusual wreckage at Roswell, he

received several telephone calls one afternoon from the mortuary officer at

the air field. He was asked about the availability of small, hermetically

sealed caskets and questioned about how to preserve bodies that had been

exposed to the elements for several days. There was concern about possibly

altering the chemical composition of the tissue.

The main part of the craft

apparently came down some

Later that evening, as a result distance from the "debris field"

of unrelated events, he made a at the Brazel ranch. Researchers

trip to the base hospital. were only recently able to

Outside the back entrance he confirm this second site because

observed two military few people knew about it.

ambulances with open rear According to witness testimony,

doors, from which large pieces this is also the site where the

of wreckage protruded, bodies were found. Most of the

including one with a row of witnesses to this site have not,

unusual symbols on its surface. in fear of government reprisal,

Once inside, he encountered a allowed their names to be used.

young nurse whom he knew. At A prestigious law firm has

that same instant, he was recently been retained to

noticed by military police, who provide legal counsel to any

physically threatened him and such witnesses who might

forcibly escorted him from the consider going public with their

building. He met with the nurse testimony. Attorneys from the

the next day, and she explained firm have already met with

what had been going on at the several Roswell witnesses. In

hospital. She was a very addition to Glenn Dennis, other

religious person and was upset witnesses were physically

to the point of being in a threatened or intimidated.

state of shock. She described According to members of Sheriff

how she had been called in to Wilcox's family, he was told by

assist two doctors who were the military, in the presence of

doing autopsies on several his wife, that he and his entire

small nonhuman bodies. She family would be killed if he

described the terrible smell, ever spoke about what he had

how one body was in good shape seen. The rancher who originally

and the others mangled, and the discovered the wreckage, Mac

differences between their Brazel, was sequestered by the

anatomy and human anatomy. She military for almost a week and

also drew a diagram on a napkin sworn to secrecy. He never spoke

showing an outline of their about the incident again, even

features. That meeting was to to his family. In the months

be their last -- she was following the incident, his son,

transferred to England a few Bill Brazel, found and collected

days later. a few "scraps" of material,

which he kept in a cigar box.

The material was eventually

confiscated by the military.

The Roswell case does not stand alone as the only solid

evidence of a coverup of UFO information by the U.S.

government. In 1980, after having filed numerous Freedom

of Information Act (FOIA) requests, a group known as

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) learned of 156

UFO-related documents held by the National Security

Agency (NSA) and of internal references to a large

number of UFO-related documents held by other agencies,

including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). While

this was an interesting revelation, researchers believe

that it would not be possible through FOIA requests to

find even references to the most important UFO documents

(such as those relating to Roswell). This information

would, presumably, be buried much deeper.

The members of CAUS proceeded It is important to realize that

with a FOIA request for the 156 the vast majority of people

NSA UFO documents, but were employed by the U.S. government,

denied access to all of them. even those with top secret

They subsequently filed an clearances, would not have

appeal in federal court and access to classified UFO

lost. Interestingly, the information such as the 156 NSA

National Security Agency did UFO documents. In all

not even allow the judge in the probability, most of these

hearing, Gerhardt Gessell of government employees, like the

the First Federal Court, rest of us, would like to know

District of Columbia, to view the truth about UFOs and

the 156 UFO documents. Instead, extraterrestrial intelligence.

the NSA submitted a special Furthermore, it is doubtful

21-page "top secret plus" whether any members of Congress

affidavit to the judge, giving have access to such information

its arguments for withholding and, given the size of the

the documents. An unusual government bureaucracy and high

action from a government that degree of compartmentalization

officially denies having any that exists within it, it is

knowledge about the existence conceivable that even the

of UFOs! President has not been fully

briefed on the subject.

For obvious reasons, it is

necessary that the military

services and the intelligence

agencies impose a certain

amount of secrecy. In recent

decades, however, many

observers say that the use of

government secrecy has become

excessive. Secrecy is

tantamount to power and, like

power, lends itself to abuse.

Behind the shield of secrecy,

it is possible for an agency or

service to avoid scrutiny and

essentially operate outside the

law. Accountability to the

taxpayers, and to the Congress,

can be conveniently avoided.

Perhaps this is a major reason

the U.S. annual "black budget"

(government spending on secret

programs) has climbed to a

staggering $25 billion a year.

The 1995 budget for the

National Security Agency alone

is projected at $3.5 billion

according to the publication

Defense Week.

Secrecy, like power, is not

readily relinquished.

Traditionally, those in power

tend to vehemently resist change

of any type, including change

that would be in the public

interest. Anything that might

upset the status quo is

perceived as a potential threat

to entrenched position or power.

For example, the November 11,

1994, New York Times reported

that an Executive Order signed

by President Clinton

declassifying nearly 44 million

pages of secret documents, some

dating back to 1917, was delayed

nearly a year because of

resistance from military and

intelligence officials. The New

York Times article also reported

that although 22 years ago

President Nixon promised

"immediate and systematic

declassification" of Vietnam War

documents, nearly five million

pages of those documents are

still being withheld at the

demand of military and

intelligence officials. In view

of this kind of obsession with

secrecy on the part of the

government, obtaining the

release of information that has

been as closely guarded as NSA

and CIA UFO documents or the

files on Roswell is not going to

be an easy task.

Fortunately, a number of politicians, including

President Clinton, are aware of the problem of excessive

secrecy and have pledged to do something about it. There

are also some politicians known to have an interest in

the subject of UFOs, but few have had the courage to

speak out. One notable exception is former Arizona

Senator Barry Goldwater.

Senator Goldwater agreed to do a pre-taped interview for the Larry King

special on UFOs, broadcast on October 1, 1994. In reference to

government-held information on UFOs, Senator Goldwater stated, "I think the

government does know." He went on to say, "...I think that at Wright

Patterson Field, if you could get into certain places, you'd find out what

the Air Force and the government does know about UFOs. Reportedly, a

spaceship landed. It was all hushed up...I called Curtis LeMay and I said,

"General, I know we have a room at Wright Patterson where you put all this

secret stuff, could I go in there?" "I've never heard him get mad, but he

got madder than hell at me, cussed me out, and said, `Don't ever ask me that

question again!'"

On numerous occasions, Senator Goldwater has publicly mentioned his

experience with General LeMay and his belief in a government coverup

concerning UFOs. However, he had never mentioned Roswell specifically until

July 1994. At that time, in response to a letter about the Roswell

Initiative, Senator Goldwater wrote, "You touch something very close to me,

by your letter. Roswell has long been a point of great interest to me, since

the first UFOs turned up." Of great surprise to Roswell researchers, he

stated, "Butch Blanchard was a very close friend of mine. I worked with him

in the Air Force..." (General William "Butch" Blanchard was the officer who,

as a Colonel and Commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field

in 1947, issued the press release that a crashed disk [UFO] had been

recovered.) With respect to "getting the things about Roswell that you would

like," he stated, "I tried diligently to get them from General LeMay, and

the only cussing out he ever gave me was when I very vociferously asked him

for information."

If, as the Roswell evidence

indicates, information confirming

the existence of other intelligent

Senator Goldwater was the life in the universe is being

Republican party's withheld from the people of the

presidential candidate in world by a few privileged

1964 (against Lyndon individuals in the U.S. government,

Johnson), chairman of the such withholding is a crime against

Senate Select Committee on all humanity and a gross misuse of

Intelligence for eight the power entrusted to those

years, chairman of the individuals. It is, in effect, a

Senate Armed Service's form of censorship on a nonmilitary

Committee for four years, and a non-national security issue.

and a major general in the The question must be asked: What

Air Force Reserves. Many gives these individuals the right

consider Senator Goldwater to keep this information to

one of the most themselves, thereby depriving the

distinguished, respected, rest of the world of knowledge of

and honest U.S. statesmen of almost inconceivable magnitude and

this century. He retired consequence? Do these individuals

from public service in 1987 consider themselves, by virtue of

after having served 30 years some divine providence or other

in the U.S. Senate. abstract rationale, so above the

rest of us that only they are

entitled to or are capable of

handling this information?

Such arrogance and elitism by the officials of any government, much less a

government based upon the principles of democracy and individual rights, is

a gross injustice against not only its own people, but all people. At issue

is knowledge so profound that it affects our very perspective on man's place

in the universe.

While the organizers of the Roswell Initiative feel that it is highly

probable that the U.S. government is withholding such information, the

primary goal of the initiative is to get the matter into the open so that

the truth can be conclusively determined, one way or the other. It is hoped,

therefore, that all individuals, no matter what their opinion on the

subject, will support this effort. There has never before been a grassroots

movement of such magnitude on this issue, and there may never be again. This

effort could represent the best chance that we will ever have of learning

the truth about this matter.

Despite an overwhelmingly positive response, the battle is far from won. Too

many people, while supporting this cause in principle, are unwilling to get

involved. It is critical, therefore, that all individuals who do support

this effort participate by signing a copy of the Roswell Declaration and

distributing it to others.

One of the most basic philosophical and scientific questions contemplated by

modern man is, "Are we alone?" If the Roswell premise is correct, as we

believe it to be, and we are successful in what we are trying to accomplish,

that question will be answered with absolute finality, once and for all.

People all over the world will be able to look up at the firmament of the

night sky with its millions of stars and feel an even greater sense of

wonder about what is out there.

There is an effort among those who seek the truth to get all information

related to "The Roswell Incident" released to the public.



[this was written be an Infovault unrelated party]