
Killing In The Name Of-RATM

- Diamond Theft
- Wake Up! 5 pages.
5page future story, kinda 1984ish-
Part  I:
"What the land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy!"- RATM
Wake up! Wake up! The alarm rang in his ears. He slowly opened his eyes to
face another new day in a hostile world. The robot brought the clothes that
best fitted Ianov’s mental frequency.
"Hello, Sire." Said the monotone voice of the robot.
"Hello, Rob." Answered Ianov. 
	Fifteen minutes later Ianov found himself in the school TespV (it had
originally TSPV- transportation vehicle, but now people just called it
TespV).  The Chauffeur robot greeted him in the always joyful voice that
lied to no one. Ianov  sat in his assigned seat put his personal
surround-sound headphones on and stared at the ThreeVision  in front of him.
It gave reports of the latest United Planets battle against some stupid
third galaxy planet. It told how the glorious warriors fighting in the name
of freedom, democracy and the sacred Ideals, had won a marvelous victory
against the disarmed Pagan Anti-Idealists. It was followed by a speech from
the United Planets President, it glorified the Republic’s majestic warriors,
stated that the PAI will no longer be tolerated and that full justice will
be affirmed. Then came four minutes of intense advertising.  It dawned on
Ianov that nothing bad ever happened to the UP, even though some foolish old
men insisted that no one in the galaxy still believed that the UP was a land
of freedom, that they were looked upon as tyrants and imperialists. Of
course that all cow dung and Ianov knew it- the Teacher said so, and so did
the ThreeVision!
	At last Ianov got to the Martian Education City, it had taken him an hour
even though they were flying there. Oh well, thought Ianov, daily routine.
The ancient flag dating from god knows when, with the stars and the ever
visible red white and blue. They entered the docking station, got off the
TespV and headed for their designated Learning Areas. On the Ground
Transportation Unit he met one of his friends who had religion class with
him. His friend told him about this stupid little place on Earth that used
to have a silly little religion called Islam. Ianov laughed- he was deeply
amused by it.  He went to his first class: Math, here they learned of how to
use math stuff in real life. It was a one tri class since there really
wasn’t that much to cover. And so the day passed, nothing happened. Well
come to think of something did happen. On his way to history he heard these
four kids, about his age really, but it didn’t matter. They were talking
about how they had heard a Lunarian call them American imperialists. Then
they were talking about this music group that said all these crazy things
about the UP government. The music group said that it brainwashed people and
that it lied and that it didn’t believe in the Ideals and that it was using
them as a way to gain hegemony. Ianov’s mind swirled and then something
clicked in place, it all fit in now: the Lunarian, the foolish old men,
everything. Then these eight Teachers came into the vehicle and grabbed the
four kids, threw them up against a wall, stated that they were wanted
thought criminals and that they were to be sent to Earth for Readjustment. 
Part II:
"How long? Not long, ‘cause what you reap is what you sow."- RATM
	Two years passed and on Ianov’s graduation day a news reel began right in
the middle of the ceremony. 
	"The UP government has been overthrown, we repeat the UP government has
been overthrown."  Nothing else was heard the room entered in chaos the
ThreeVision died out.  Then people carrying large automatic lasers came in
through the doors.  Their leader went to the microphone, picked it up and
said "People, the reign of tyranny has come to an end. We are the UP Freedom
Fighters. . ." 
Part III:
"What did you dream? It’s alright we told you what to dream."- Pink Floyd
Of course it was all silly, he thought. He was an old man, an important man
that couldn’t intimidate a fly. Yet those who crossed him knew better than
to view him as the kindly old grandfather type.  He looked just like the
type- large eyes, bald and slightly overweight and he had a friendly manner.
But a careful analysis by an expert showed an entirely different man. A man
of cold thought, a man who calculated his every reaction, word and thought,
a man who knew and respected the Machiavellian theory of "The end justifies
the means." He never went through the ordinary means of destroying political
competition, he just sent a short standard note written by a regular
computer, with the most popular font and with no signature. The note was a
sentence to political death, all it said was "Do now that which you may be
forced to do later.".  The usual procedure once you got the Note (as it was
reverently named by the insiders) you would make an appointment to meet him,
he would keep you waiting in the saloon for about two hours while he talked
to some curious tourist.  After the two hours expired (along with your
morale), you would be received. In the meeting room there would be only one
chair, which was occupied by the Old Man (otherwise known as the Ancient and
Him).  This chair would be in a dark corner where there would be no way to
see his facial expressions. So you had to stand up with a magnified light
(coming from the window, which served as magnifying glass for the sun). He
would never speak the first word, he wouldn’t even greet you, the Ancient
would patiently sit in his corner of the room and look at you.  After a
while you would inevitably speak. After you had finished stating your
thesis, he would ask you what you wanted from him.  By this time, even the
strongest of men would have had their spirits broken into pieces, chewed,
swallowed, digested, regurgitated and then flushed down the toilet. This is
by no means an exaggeration. The UP President had been in such a position
once, and a second situation had NOT ever recurred. This is perhaps the
shortest and most scratch-the-surface description possible. The Old Man been
in power when the first Republic fell at the hands of the Freedom Fighters
and miraculously enough he stayed in power, and in fact gained power. This
man was revered by all, feared by all and obeyed by all. Many people have
stated that presidents had no real power throughout history- that they were
simple front men. This was probably true, but never had this been as true as
right now.  Although the masses barely knew this all-powerful god amongst
men, he knew of them- he knew their wants, their necessities, their
weaknesses and thus he knew how to use them. This was the man who sat down
in his almighty Throne, thinking these thoughts.  
Here before him was a young yet bright lad. He was obviously intimidated- no
better yet: frightened. He didn’t know how to start out; his name was Ianov.
Ianov had never met Him before, he had heard of Him, but then they all knew
Him. Ianov was partially blinded by that accursed window of his, and worse
yet the Ancient was in freakin’ dark corner. Goddammit! Thought Ianov, he
then realized that his knees were trembling, he tried to control his nerves.
"Hello, S- sir."  Ianov’s complexion twitched into a smile. "’Bit cold in
here. . ." He stopped abruptly- interrupted by the Old Man’s impatientvoice.
"Get to the point Boy!"
The interruption had had the desired effect, thought the Old Man, the boy
was obviously disturbed. But He also noticed that the boy got back on track
quickly, and on the right track too- good, thought the Ancient. 
"Sir, I got the Note," Ianov hesitated for a second, waiting- no actually
expecting an interruption, but it didn’t come. "So I got in touch with you,
I wanted to know what I did wrong, and what I should do to correct it." 
"So, you want to strike a deal, don’t you." The voice of the Ancient was
cold and sounded routine. 
"It would be useful to know what I did wrong first though." His sudden burst
of bravery amazed Ianov, he then quickly realized it may have been amistake.
"Good, you’re not wasting my time- you’re getting to the point, I value
that." Said the Ancient, with His cold uncaring voice. "Do you take fencing
Ianov?" "No, Sir. I don’t." 
"Oh, perhaps you should- it teaches one valuable skills." Ianov caught thehint. 
"I sign up the next time I pass by the Sport City." 
"How old are you?" The Old Man asked, but he already knew. He had read the
boy’s dossier before the meeting. "Turning thirty, Sir." 
"Hmm." A flat statement, like he was contemplating the meaning of the
answer. "Do you know what you’re getting into?" "I believe so, Sir."
"NO! You believe nothing, you either know, or you don’t! Now answer my
question!" "No Sir, I don’t!"
"That’s what I thought." He had calmed down, but there was a certain edge to
his voice. "Look, you want to join the Game, you never win or for that
matter, play alone.
"You make allies, you go with the mainstream, because if you don’t you will
be crushed.  The next few years will be one lousy, terrible and painful
test, and guess what. Every time you try to brake away, you will be broken,
smashed and put under Our foot! But, so long as you play by the rules, which
are never told, you will learn them yourself, the hard way, you’ll be
treated like a younger brother. And if you’re still hanging tight and with
us at the end you’ll be one of us. You may go."  
	Ianov left, his brain once more twirling as it did twenty years before, and
he realized that nothing, absolutely nothing had changed, and that it never
would. Everything was controlled by hidden forces, everything had an
ulterior motive. They could have as many coups and revolutions as they
wanted, and they would all be setup to preserve the Way,  set by Them and
controlled by Them. What’s more the Ancient was nothing but a little pawn in
a vast and elusive web of calculation, analysis and direction. There was
never such a thing as spontaneous mass reactions, mass rebellion or opinion,
They told us what to dream.