Plato's "The Cave"

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Plato's "The Cave" in Today's World
	Though written over 2000 years ago, Plato's analysis
of the truth, expressed in his parable, "The Cave" is still
accurate in today's world. In this parable, Plato tells of 
a group of people who know only the shadows they see.  By 
believing what their senses tell them they are lead into 
thinking that these shadows are reality.  
	The same holds true in the world of today.  Many are
influenced into making choices by the government, media, 
educators, peers, or other modern day bearers, similar to 
those who moved the objects across the fire in the cave, 
creating shadows.  These shadows can be interpreted as 
societal expectations, which is what the bearers want the 
people to believe.  When a person can be liberated from the
cave, only then will they see the truth.
        When it comes to self-knowledge, Plato's parable is 
quite accurate.  If one is to ignore what society's 
expectations for them are, and they do what they feel they must
to become happy, they will have followed the roadway out of the
cave.  However a contemporary journey out of the cave is not as
easy as it seems.  In an age of television and huge mass media, 
most people are, from an early age exposed to society's 
expectations. These, when seen at an early age, may become 
engrained in an individuals head.  However, if one tries hard 
enough they may be able to rid themselves of such beliefs,
and be able to exit the sentient realm of the cave that Plato
wrote about so many years ago and follow the path towards truth
and happiness.