Why We Should Help Africa

Political Commentary on the African situation, by Bogdan

By Bob Marley (Speech by H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I, CA 28th Feb. 1968)
"What life has taught me I would like to share with those who want to learn . . .
Until the philosophy which holds 
One race superior and another inferior
Is finally and permanently discredited 
And abandoned 
That until there are no longer
First class and second class citizen 
Of any nation 
Until the colour of a man skin 
Is of no more significance than
The colour of his eyes
That until therebasic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race 
That until that day,
The dream of lasting peace, world
Citizenship and the rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion 
To be persued but never attained
And until the ignoble and unhappy 
Regime that now hold our brothers
In Angola, in Mozambique, South Africa
In sub-human bondage, have been
Toppled utterly destroyed
Until that day the African continent
Will not know peace
We Africans will fight, if necessary
As we know we shall win
As we are confident in the victory of
Good over evil, of good over evil"

While the Great Industrials (countries) as well as the Transnational Corporations will help fight poverty (to a limited extent) in other places, they have completely ignored the African plea. They say that there is no immediate interest in helping the Africans. Financially they may be right, but morally they have an obligation as well as a duty to do so. 
	It seems to me that the investors have forgotten how to invest. Some may see the aid of Africa as a financial drain on his/her resources, yet they fail to realize that in truth the uplifting of Africa to humanity would lead to a gigantic new market for products as well as access to a continent rich in resources (mines of diamonds for example). Congo (ex-Zaire) as well as other African countries have huge mines of diamonds that have yet to be exploited, yet due to the absence of currency the respective governments don’t have the money to pay miners.  As to the market, Africa has millions of potential customers who are being allowed to kill each other off for nonsensical reasons.  The moral aspects of world intervention in African genocidal impulses are obvious.  In the 1999 State of the Union Address, President Bill Clinton mentioned something about aid and increased cooperation with Africa, however his vagueness underlined the lack of a clearly defined plan and any trace of a genuine initiative as well as foresight in American policy. Also an American led aid program may win the US valuable allies in the region in time to prevent or to be able to efficiently oppose the Chinese bid for World’s Only Super-Power in the 21st century. Also the world cannot efficiently globalize while the existence of racism and the presence of Second and Third world nations (2nd world being communism and 3rd world being ‘developing countries’). The US must also either change its policies against genocide and the violation of human rights or obey them instead of being hypocritical imperialists.

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