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CV of Ismail Hakki AYDIN, Professor of Neurosurgery

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Date of Birth: February 11, 1954

Birth-place : Trabzon, TURKIYE

Education :
Primary School, Macka 1965
High School, Trabzon 1971
Medical School, Ataturk University 1978
Internship, University Hospital,Erzurum 1978

Degrees and Diplomas:
M.D. 1978
Foreing Language (French) 1979
Foreing Language (Arabic and Persish) 1981
Neurosurgical Board 1984
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery 1985
Foreing Language (English) 1986
Assoc.Professor of Neurosurgery 1989
Professor of Neurosurgery 1994

Past Appointment :
Physician in Turkish Health Ministery 1978

University Research Hospital:
Neurosurgical Resident in Neurolog 1979-80
Neurosurgical Resident in Anaesthesiology 1980
Neurosurgical Resident in General Surgery 1980
Resident in Neurological Surgery 1978-83
Senior Resident in Neurosurgery 1983
Lecturer in Medicine (Neurosurgery) 1984
Consultant Neurosurgeon 1985
Ass.Professor of Neurosurgery 1985
Director of Neurosurgical Department 1985
Director of Microsurgical Research Centre 1985
Assoc. Professor of Neurosurgery 1989
Professor of Neurosurgery 1994

University Hospital of Istanbul University:
Research Fellow in Neurosurgery 1981

University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland:
Research Fellow,Department of Neurosurgery 1984
Instructor, Microneurosurgical Research Centre 1984

Undergraduate Honors, Academic Awards and Prizes:
Turkish Science Scholarship 1972
Ataturk University Scholarship for I.U. 1981
Postgraduate Research Scholarship 1984
Turkish Scientific and Technical Research
Authority (TUBITAK) Award 1990
University Science Prize 1991
Medical School Science Prize 1991
Medical Chamber Award 1991
F.I.C.A. (USA) 1991
Turkish Neurosurgery Publication Prize 1992
CME Credit (U.S.A.) 1992
Maderland Party Award 1993
International Fellow of Stroke Councile (USA) 1993
CME Credit (U.S.A.) 1993
Deanery Award of Medical School 1994
The Artist Card of Turkish Culture Ministery 1994
Gratitude plaque of AANS (U.S.A.) 1994
CME Credit (U.S.A.) 1994
Golden Scalpel (U.S.A.) 1994
Active Member of NYAS (U.S.A.) 1994
Deanery Award of Medical School 1995
CME Credit (U.S.A.) 1995
AANS and CNS Education Committee (USA)
Continuing Education Award in Neurosurgery 1996
Cover Article (Cover Scientist) in MIN (Germany) 1997
Outstanding Achievement Award of the 20th Century, IBC, England, 1997
D.D.G.(International Biographical Centre) England, 1998
Presidential Seal of Honor, (ABI)
The American Biographical Institute, USA, 1998
Turkish Neurosurgical Society Award,1999
International Ambassador of CNS (USA), 1999
International Lecturer of CNS (USA), 2000
Crystal Sphere, India, 2001
ABMYO, Plaquet, Istanbul 2001
Annual Award 2004, Karachi, 2004
Harvey Cushing Lecturer, Karachi, 2004
ABMYO, Plaquet, Istanbul, 2005
The Society of Nervous System Surgery, Plaquet, Istanbul, 2006
Clasic Turkish Music Award, 2010, Istanbul, TURKEY
Honour Plaquet, Gazi University, 2011. Ankara, TURKEY
Gratitude Plaquet. The Union of Municipalities of Marmara. 2013, Istanbul, TURKEY
Clasique Turkish Music Plaquet. 2014. Istanbul, TURKEY
Turkish Culture and Literature Honour. Presidency of Turkish Republic. 2014. Ankara, TURKEY
Gratitute Plaquet, Gelisim University. 2014, Istanbul, TURKEY

Military Service:
Teaching Staff, Department of Neurosurgery
Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Istanbul 1988-89

Present Appointment:
Professor of Neurosurgery
Director and Chairman of University
Department of Neurosurgery, Research Hospital,
Erzurum, Turkey. 1985-
Deputy Director General of International Biographical Centre
(IBC), Cambridge, England, 1998-

Visiting Professorships:
Academy of Nice,France 1985
Zurich University,Switzerland 1985
Showa University,Tokyo,Japan 1985
Tokai University,Tokyo,Japan 1985
Keio University,Tokyo,Japan 1985
Zurich University,Switzerland 1986
Koln University,Germany 1986
Gent Hospital,Belgium 1986
Cairo University,Egypt 1987
Zurich University,Switzerland 1987
Nordstadt Krankenhaus,Hannower,Germany 1987
Zurich University,Switzerland 1990
Bern University,Switzerland 1990
Ljubljana University,Yugoslavia 1990
Hopital Necker-Enfants Malade,Paris,France 1990
Zurich University,Switzerland 1991
Zurich University, Switzerland 1992
Zurich University, Switzerland 1995
Wroclaw Medical Academy, Polonia 1995
T.Modern General Hospital, Sana'a, Yemen Rep.2002

The Society of Nervous System Surgery
Turkish Neurosurgical Society
Association of Turkish Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychyatry
European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
European Community Society
Turkish Inventors and Researchers Association
Science and Literature Society
Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS., USA)
International College of Angiology (F.I.C.A., USA)
European Stroke Science Councile
American Brain Tumour Council (AANS and CNS)
International Membership and Publication Subcommittee (CNS)
American Heart Association Stroke Council (International Fellow)
International Councile of CNS
International Scientific Councile of CNS
The New York Academy of Sciences
American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
Scientific Committee of Mediterranean Neuroscience Conference (FRANCE)
Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons (ACNS)
Black See Authors Association
European Brain Injury Consortium
International Board of Skull Base Congress
The Society of Neurvous System Surgery

Academic and Hospital Appointments:
Moderator of Medical Meetings 1985-86
Director of Clinicopathological Conferances 1985-87
Academic Board, Neurosurgery 1985-
Academic Board, Medical School 1985-
Director of Neuroscience Research Committee 1986-
Medical Academy Committe 1986-
Member, Executive Committee, Surgery 1985-
Director of Medical School Research Committee 1990-1994
Vice Chairman of the
Medical School Ethic Committee 1996-

Editorial Board:
Journal of Higher Education
Ataturk Universitesi Tip Bulteni
Turk Norosirurji Dergisi
Turkish Neurosurgery
S.D.U. Tip Fakultesi Dergisi
Medical Journal of Van
Journal of Clinical Series (KS)
Bulettin of Surgery
Genel Tip Dergisi
Journal of Turkish Neuroscience
Pak. Journal of Neurological Surgery
Journal of Nervous System Surgey

Major Fields in Neurosurgery:
Aneurysms Surgery
AVM Surgery
Stroke Surgery
Skull Base Surgery
