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Acree Enterprises- Home Workers

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These are the items that I have been getting into here in the last few months.

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
WhoWhere? - The Best Communications Guide on the Web
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click
Compare It!

Success Careers markets many great materials for your home and office while at the same time offers and places you in an at home job. We use home personnel for most of our clerical needs. We also will supply you with an at home jobs listings for your area after you have been active in our company for 2 payperiods. At the present time we have over 400 homebased workers.  
A person working for Success Careers can make as much money as they would working at a regular outside job. Success Careers is currently expanding and are in need of more stay at home emplyees. 
You will be placed in an enty level position as an application taker via telephone or e-mail. If you have children (as many of our employees do) the e-mail seems to be the perfect answer because you may walk away from the computer as needed. After staying with the job of application taker for a training period of 1 to 3 months you will have the option of staying with that position or you may choose other jobs from a data base supplied to you. Success Careers only advances from within so you will have the chance of many lucrative opportunities to work from your home. You of course would never have to change if you are pleased with the job that you do but the opportunity still remains. As an application taker you can make $12.00 to $24.00 per hour (this is an estimated value) by being paid $6 per application recieved. Most of our employees average @ $350.00 per pay period. You will be paid semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th. 
The best thing about this job is you can get up when you please, go out when you please, play with your kids when you please and best of all you can work in your shorts, or even your P.J'S!!! You are your own boss and your destiny is yours because you choose for it to be. 
The whole concept is to afford moms the luxury of staying at home with their children. I say moms but I include you guys too! We do have lots of men working from home, disabled folks also and college students that have extra time on their hands. 
An added bonus to working with Success Careers is that you operate any other kind of business from your home we will asssist you in creating a web page for your biz and link it to ours so that you will receive instant advertising. As a rep. when you send anyone to this web site to look at the information or copy the application and the person purchases any other opportunity, then you are paid a fee from that company as well. So you are not limited to just $6 per application. 
Success Careers will send all training materials, applications, phone scripts, time sheets, everything you need. You will have to pay $22.00 check or money order the first time but this is all you ever pay to do this job. From then on we always pay you!! This is not a fee to work it is for registration and processing of your materials. After you receive your package and you need someone to talk you thru the starting up, just call our customer service reps. anytime. The number will be supplied in your package. Its really simple You Can Do It!!!! 
If you are interested and I hope you are Please e-mail me anytime. I will send you an application. Or you can use the one supplied on this page. We will have you up and working in 4 weeks if you send a check and 1 week if you send a money order. If you send check or money order please make sure you put Success Careers in the payee portion of either document. This money does not go to me but to Success Careers. I recieve my paycheck through them. Thank You and If you have any questions just ring my bell. If you agree with these arrangements please sign, date , fill out application, and submit fee. Just copy and paste the below info on your clipboard or notepad and send the info to;

James Acree

308 2nd Ave NW

Hampton, IA 50441


Employment Application - Please print clearly

2540#ID and reps name; James Acree (must have reps. Id # to order, if you do not have id, what was their email address?) Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. Money orders allow 4 days.

Signature_________________________________________Date __________

Amount inclosed________

First Name______________________Last_________________________________




DOB___M___D___Y SS# will be requested on first time sheet for your privacy.

Hardware Accessible ( PC, fax, internet, etc.)_________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

  • E-Mail address_____________________________________________PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY
  • Email: