This is NOTthe complete link collection of the jew's harp page of Jarno Miettinen. More links will SURELY BE ADDED pretty soon. They will contain more band site links, links to the record compaines which release folk music, links to folk music associations etc... So there's no reason to forget this page!
Links to other jew's harp pages:
Sibelius-Akatemian kansanmusiikin osasto / The Sibelius-Academy Folk Music Department
Kansanmusiikki-Instituutti / The Finnish Folk Music Institute (Available only in Finnish)
Tampereen yliopiston kansanperinteen laitos / University of Tampere - Department of Folk Tradition
Suomen Kansanmusiikkiliitto/The Finnish Folk Music Association
Primitiivisen Musiikin Ystävät ry / The Friends of Primitive Music in Finland (Available only in Finnish)
Finlands svenska spelmansförbund / The Swedish Folkmusic Association in Finland
Suomen Etnomusikologinen Seura / The Finnish Society for Ethnomusicology
Finnish Music Information Centre