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(June 4, 1935-1989)

WEST End: T intersection, Main St., Liscomb, Marshall County

Facing northwest, but heading west, on 311

While I was unsure of where the designation ended, mile markers remaining on the route led to this spot, where E18 turns straight west after angling into Liscomb.

Facing southeast, but heading east, on 311

You can see the curve from here as the road seems to vanish into the farmland. Two-tenths of a mile from this spot, it intersects S75. Traffic on E18/old 311 does not stop, and westbound traffic (coming towards this picture) takes about a 45-degree angle immediately after the intersection, and I do mean immediately.

Facing east on 311

This LGS outside of Liscomb is a county-made sign, probably a replacement for whatever DOT sign was here, but by any practice shouldn't have a "To" on it.

EAST End: Stop sign, IA 14, Marshall County

Facing east on 311

Facing east on 311

Facing east on 311

The double set of signs is reminiscent of 311 being a state highway. I am sure that in the late '90s there was a correct "To" tag above the 96 sign; it is half a mile south of here and within sight.

Facing north on 14

Close examination under the E18 label reveals T29, which is nearby.

Facing north on 14

Facing south on 14

Last seen: 1989 (1986 map)

All pictures by me: First and second, 3/23/02; third, 3/15/02; fifth-ninth, 7/15/07

Page created 4/16/02; last updated 9/3/07

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