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Episode Guide - Season One

Season One. 1965-1966 (Black and White)

001- "The Lady In the Bottle"
Major Nelson gets stranded on a desert island and finds a bottle. Of course,
he rubs it and out pops a 2,000 year old Jeannie. Jeannie pops up a
helicopter to rescue Major Nelson, and then (unknowingly) Nelson takes her
home with him. The problem: Major Nelson must hide the beautiful Jeannie
from his fianc*e, General Stone's daughter.

002- "My Hero"
Jeannie, upset because a man hit her at the market, takes Tony to get him
back. Of course, Tony doesn't realize Jeannie meant the market in Ancient
Persia, and the man who hit her is an enormous mountain, and Tony is sold as
a slave, and Jeannie is reluctant to help him, because he will not marry

003- "Guess What Happened on the Way to the Moon"
To get ready for a moon mission, Tony and Roger must spend a week in a hot
desert with nothing but a pint of water and their minds. Jeannie sneaks
along and helps her master out.

004- "Jeannie and the Marriage Caper"
Tony is set to marry Melissa, who Jeannie doesn't approve of at all. Tony
doesn't pay much attention until Melissa starts making decisions for him he
doesn't link. Now only Jeannie can help!

005- "G. I. Jeannie"
When Tony gets a pretty secretary, Jeannie decides to join the air force,
and becomes Major Nelson's secretary. Tony doesn't mind, as long as Jeannie
doesn't use any of her powers. In the end, Jeannie is supposed to go far
away, which she doesn't like at all, so she quits.

006- "Jeannie and the Murder Caper"
Tony has to show P.J. Ferguson around NASA. His daughter, Nina, soon
develops a crush on Tony, and when he is invited onto their yacht, Jeannie
blinks herself along. Tony sends her home and the Fergusons think Tony
murdered her by pushing her overboard.

007- "Anybody Here Seen a Jeannie?"
Dr. Bellows runs some tests on Tony to see if he's healthy enough for a
space mission. Jeannie, thinking the mission sounds too dangerous, sabotages
the health tests. As a result, Dr. Bellows gets even more confused than he
was before.

008- "Americanization of Jeannie"
Jeannie decides she wants to be a normal American woman. To do so, she
doesn't do anymore magic, except the magic of "Charging". After Jeannie uses
Tony's charge card, he finds he's far in debt.

009- "The Moving Finger"
Tony goes to Hollywood to become a consultant on a film on astronauts.
Jeannie doesn't want to be left behind, though! She mails herself to Tony
and is outraged to see him having lunch with a beautiful, young actress.
Thinking that if she became an actor, Tony would take her out to lunch,
Jeannie lands a part in a screen test and discovers Genies can't be filmed.

010- "Djinn and Water"
Tony is trying to find out a way to turn sea water into freshwater. Jeannie
says her great-grandfather had learned how to do that long ago, so she
brings him to Tony's house. Tony is very happy to find he can turn salt
water into drinking water, but he isn't happy when he finds out the main
ingredient is extinct.

011- "Whatever Became of Baby Custer?"
When Jeannie and Tony relax in the sun (5 feet off the ground that is)
Custer, the boy next door sees them and his father (who works at NASA)
brings him to Doctor Bellows who agrees to help Custer. Dr. Bellows and
Custer both end up spying on Tony.

012- "Where's You Go-Go?"
When Tony dates an old friend, Diane, Jeannie embarrasses him. Since Jeannie
gets jealous when Tony dates other women, Jeannie figures if she dated other
men, Tony would get jealous, so Jeannie begins to date Roger.

013- "Russian Roulette"
Jeannie says she will not date other men if Tony doesn't date other women,
but when Jeannie learns Tony has to escort the pretty Russian girl, Sonia,
she decides to hide out in her bottle in Roger's coat to keep an eye on
Tony. Sonia discovers teh magic of the bottle and doesn't want to give it
up, so Tony pretends to be interested in Sonia so she'll give up the bottle.

014- "What House Across the Street?"
In this classic episode, Jeannie proposes to Roger so Tony will become
jealous and want to marry Jeannie. Jeannie has to show Roger her parents, so
she blinks up the perfect family and a beautiful house across from Major
Nelson's home. Of course, that house just happens to be on property owned by
Doctor Bellows who sees the house one day, but not the next.

015- "Too Many Tonys"
After Dr. Bellows decides Tony needs a wife in order to be a better
astronaut, Jeannie blinks up a romantic Tony that wants to be married right
away. Dr. Bellows sees him and sets a wedding date for Jeannie and Tony, but
now the real Tony is in real trouble!

016- "Get Me to Mecca on Time"
Jeannie is slowly disappearing. She feels tired and weak. It is because it's
the Day of The Ram, the day when all Genies and their masters must travel t
Mecca and saw some special words at a sacred spot. Troubles arise when Tony
and Jeannie learn the sacred spot is inside a closed bank in which they must
break into or Jeannie will fade away.

017- "Richest Astronaut in the World"
In this milestone of "I Dream of Jeannie" Roger sees Jeannie as a Jeannie.
He is waiting for Tony to come home when he rubs the bottle and out pops
Jeannie! Finding out that she can do anything he wants her to, Roger takes
Jeannie and soon has a huge mansion and much more. Doctor Bellows finds out
and is suspicious. Tony tries to persuade Roger to give Jeannie back to him.

018- "Is There and Extra Jeannie in the House?"
Roger stays out on a big date and abuses his Jeannie privilege. He exhausts
Jeannie and Tony gets angry at him. He begs Jeannie to get him a Jeannie and
Roger think a magician and his wife who rent out his apartment are genies
that Jeannie gave to him.

019- "Never try to Outsmart a Jeannie"
Jeannie is determined to go to Rome with Tony, fearing a boat is much too
dangerous without a genie. Tony agrees she can go as a regular women if she
can get a passport without using any powers. If she cant get a passport,
she'll have to go in her bottle.

020- "My Master, the Doctor"
Tony says he always wanted to be a doctor, so Jeannie makes his wish come
true, only for Tony to find himself in an operating room with Roger in front
of him waiting to have his appendix out.

021- "Jeannie and the Kidnap Caper"
Some Japanese spys kidnap Tony and threaten to kill him if he doesn't give
out the information they want. Tony, insisting he doesn't know anything, can
not be helped by Jeannie, since Tony made her take an oath never to help him
with her powers again.

022- "How Lucky Can You Get?"
In this episode, Tony and Roger are both promoted to Majors, and have a
mission near Reno. Doctor Bellows agrees they can do some gambling and Roger
sneaks Jeannie along to help them win, only she gets Roger and Tony taken
away by the police in the end.

023- "Watch the Birdie"
After seeing Tony at golf (helped by Jeannie of course), General Peterson
demands Tony be his golf parter. Tony, knowing he can't play golf at all
pretends to have a broken hand, though Dr. Bellows sees through it. In the
end, Jeannie helps Tony win the match, and the course record!

024- "Permanent House Guest"
Doctor Bellows moves in with Tony and becomes convinced Tony's house is
haunted after he sees some of Jeannie's magic and Tony's housekeeper, a fat
Persian with a lady's (Jeannie's) voice.

025- "Bigger than a Bread Box"
Roger reveals he something better than a Jeannie, he's got a fortune-teller,
Madame Zolta. Of course, Tony doesn't believe in such silly stuff, but
humors Roger and asks Madame Zolta to let him see his departed Aunt Sue and
Uncle Jeff. Tony, though, knows perfectly well he has no Aunt Sue or Uncle

026- " My Master, the Great Rembrandt"
To raise money for the Air Force, many of the NASA staff paint pictures to
be auctioned off. Tony is copying a Rembrandt which he thinks is very good.
But Jeannie isn't satisfied, she made the painting an actual Rembrandt. When
Doctor Bellows learns the painting is real, he flies in a art expert to see
if it actually an original, not knowing the expert is Jeannie!

027- "My Master the Thief"
Tony takes Jeannie to a special Bukistan exhibit at the museum and Jeannie
sees a pair of her old slippers that she wants back. So, she blinks them out
of the case. When the museum find them missing, they alert NASA to check all
their astronauts, and Tony plots to get the slippers from Jeannie so he can
take them back to the museum.

028- "This is Murder"
Jeannie finds out Tony is to show a beautiful princess around Cocoa Beach.
Jeannie is ok with this until she learns that the princess is part of the
royal family that has had a 2000 year feud with her family, and she must
kill her. Tony tricks her by saying the princess is not coming and sends
Jeannie off making some things he wished for.

029- "My Master, the Magician"
Dr. Bellows sees Tony floating in mid air in his living room and gets him to
sign a written confession that he WAS floating. To prove it was just a magic
trick, Tony must perform the feat Jeannie had done for him in a magic act.

030- "I'll Never Forget What's Her Name"
Tony hits his head and forgets all about Jeannie, though he remembers Roger
and everything else. Thinking Jeannie is a friend of his aunt, Tony takes
her out on a date and asks her to marry her. Roger knows about Jeannie's
real identity and decides to tell Tony before he marries her, but Jeannie's
not about to let that happen!