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Back Dat Ass Up ...Biatch


Since Friday and Saturday sorta ran together, I was super delirious all damn day, I am just gonna randomly talk about stuff that happened. Nothing exciting happened Saturday really, we just videotaped a lot of us being retarded. Like we talked bout how when I get more famous than Johnny Wright, I'm gonna buy Stevie from the Fatone family (he shouldn't be too expensive), and make him be my beer bitch. Isn't that a lovely thought?

We also rambled bout our pop group that we are gonna start, and all that good junk. It was pretty funny, but yeah, you pry had to be there. We're gonna be PB&J (Go us! Right Christina, Val and Kate--who was there in spirit but not in the flesh.) Anyhow we decided to name our first album, 'It's like butta baby', and our first smash hit will be the sexual innuendo song 'Sticky in your Mouth'. And in Lance like fashion, we'll claim, 'it's not about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I guarentee you that.'. Lol. Then around 3 in the afternoon we had to say goodbye to Christina. *Sob* She is one cool chick and has more guts than I ever will, not to mention hurdle skillz that amaze even Lance.

Later that night after we walked all up and down the strip finding a good place to eat. (Looking for Hard Rock, but having a damn HARD time finding it..we finally settled on Planet Hollywood.), we got ready for the concert and all that good stuff. Kat and I were out in the middle of freakin no where, but hey that's cool cuz we had our binoculars ready to go. Haha, and we got bored, so I just focused in on the VIP section containing the family. Woohoo, and boy was Tyler getting some mad attention down there from all the little and not so little kiddies. He was giving autographs, getting flowers and teddy bears. Shit foo, he's not even as good as Steve. He's even more worthless, cuz he does't do a god damn thing. Talk about Steve being a moocher, HELLO TYLER...he does nada, and still gets play. Wassssssup with that? Oh I forgot, it was really funny cuz while up there in BFE, you notice quite a bit of stuff through the ole binoculars. First off, they had chips and salsa down there, which was looking pretty good since I was starving. So I decided that I was gonna give Tyler a little job when I'm famous...he can be my goddamn chip bitch yo. "Hey T...get me some chips, bitch."

Then the show started, and I was so proud of my Steverino cuz he has been upgraded not only to one of the head cameramen for the show, but he got to announce the opening acts. AND he was wearing TAUPE! How cool is that? Haha, he is going for the neutral earthy tones to show off his new hair. It was one of those moments. Lol..but seriously, speaking of Steverino, I think he wanted to get some major play from the Wild Orchid sluts with their ponchos or whatever they called those nasty red things they were wearing. I'm just happy to know that Stacy, Renae, and Stephanie never wash their clothes.

So let's see...after the trip was pretty much about over, I contemplated how many of N Sync's family we ran into. Beverly, Taylor (Chris' little sister), and his grandma (not the funnel cake one) were staying on our floor, so we saw them twice in the hallway. (I'm not only a fan, I'm his MOTHER's FAN!) Then earlier Saturday we saw Beverly, Taylor, and Danielle in the casino. I just have to say that Danielle is REALLY really pretty up close and very skinny. We also saw Tyler and Stevie (like I mentioned earlier), Phyllis and Joe Sr. (holding hands I might cute is that? Awww.), and Jim and Diane. (Back Dat Ass Up! Right Kat? Lol..Kat scarred Diane for life. Pure comedy...for real.)

Oh yeah one other thing, and this has nothing to do with anything I've said so far, but the Vegas girls I was with know what I'm talkin bout. For some odd reason we were talking bout jet bubbles (like in the bathtub), and I was all, the hotel doesn't have those. Somehow, Stevie got brought into the conversation, and we were all, can't you just imagine Steve farting in the tub, that will get the bubbles going. He'd be all, *wink* "There's plenty more where THAT came from." Ahh the wonderful Steve scented aromatherapy sets in now. Jk..haha but it's funny eh? I thought so, maybe you had to be there.

Well pretty much the night just went downhill after the concert cuz we went upstairs to decide what to do, and pathetic me decides to take a 'nap' for an hour and then go out. Yeah right. A nap for me, in case you all care, is like 8 hours. So when I woke up at 2 am to find Val and Kat up chatting, (this was after I hacked up a lung again and then opened my eyes and said WHAT? to the girls...which I have no recollection of.) I was all, I am not moving girls, I am one with the bed. I drifted back off to sleep and got woken up by Kat telling me to get my stuff together for check out. Sunday was pretty much just us wandering, saying goodbye and good luck to Val who was headed off to Reno, and then went to the airport where we so desperately wanted to page Steve Fat-one. Then I said bye bye bye to Kat and Jennifer and told them to back dat ass up as I got in line for my flight, and the rest is history.

*Note: Pictures are coming soon!!*

I just wanted to say wasup to mah girls:

Val~ Yo girl, wasup? It was so awesome seeing ya again! I just want to say THANKS for making Vegas so fun and for giving me that trip as one of the most kick ass gifts ever. Hawaii is only 26 days away baby and we're gonna get our hands on some N Sync ass if it kills us!

Kat~ Girl, we finally met! Thank you so much for the trip!! You are one of the funniest people ever. Don't forget bout Saturday night and Jc's unmatching shoes, scopin out the VIP section, yeah baby. Lol...and of course we can't forget the millions of times we saw Beverly roaming around. I'm not a fan, I'm his MOTHER's fan. ROTFL. Anyhow can't wait till Hawaii, I'm ready for the N Sync World Series. Haha remember that? Vegas is the minors baby.

Jennifer~ It was great meeting you girl, and thanks for the Friday night ticket! Don't forget bout Steveroni the real Orlando treat, and of course, the Eat Me Reseeeee's. Gotta love that. I'll slip it to JC on the plane for ya. :)

Christina~ Twinkle, twinkle little star biatch. Haha, sing me a lullaby. Girl, you are hilarious, and when I'm in Cali in Jan you best get your butt over to see me and Val. Aight? You have guts, and you crack me up like no other. Us Justy fans gots to stick together. :) Lorenzo says what up in his taupe suit. Lol. Riiight.