20 things I enjoy doing
One o the assignments in week 2 of THE ARTIST"S WAY (by Julia Cameron) is to make a list o 20 things you enjoy doing (and then date the last time you actually got to/ let youself do them). This sounds like a lot of fun . . . .
1. Taking Music Lessons with a good teacher
2. Cooking (but not cleaning up afterwards!)
3. Reading
4. Hiking/ Backpacking (it's been WAY TOO LONG since I did this)
5. Sitting and Dreaming or pretending
6. Sitting in the sunshine (with sunblock and shade nearby!)
7. Pretty Flowers (Watering, planting, buying)
8. Noncompetivite games with Friends (Giants Wizzards Elves -- Philosophers -- Yuker!)
9. Organizing and planing
10. Sleeping outside
11. Hanging out with Good Friends (REAL friends)
12 MAIL (geting mail, sending mail, mail order)
13. Baking (cookies, bread, muffins, WAFFLES!)
14. Reading History Notes, Stories, Annecdotes
15. Discussion / Debate / Arguing (with intellegent people - don't with dumb people)
16. Watching Good Movies (and the Classic Yo-yo Video--- and Muppets in Space)
17. Haning out with Mindy
18. DRIVING (I don't care where - Long trips are good for thinking)