AA 610 Class #1 Notes
AA 610 class #1
Originality does not consist in saying what no one has ever said before, but in saying exactly what you are thinking yourself
- James Hayton
Team brainstormed lists of creativity - -
we all frame positively - - we tend to see as positive thing - but not always (ex: depressed artists from bad periods give best work, blues, etc)
The Shadow equally important to be aware of - - comes along with strength. (Dr. D. greatest strength to extreme is weakness???)
Creativity became a word in the 1870's - - thought to be divinely inspired or maybe genetic. Some truth to both (ex. Perfect pitch or language acquition)
Creativity comes from complex people with contradictory sides - - makes them more creative
NOT wishy washy but they can go from 1 extreme to the other.
based on work of Miha ChicksentMiha (sp?) Book Creativity
1. Phycial Energy & Quiet
can be internally generalted energy - focused mind / activley under control but offset by idleness or reflection
2. Smart / Intellegent & Naive / not there
Wisdom - gotta to know things, but child - like - ness allows to question, doubt, improve existing knowledge. (Ex. William Blake Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience)
3. Convergent thinking & Divergent thinking
Div means going in all directions - generating lots of possibilities, but complementary to that is convergent - being able to make a decision and pick among the alternatives
4. Playfulness and Irresponsiblity vs. Desipline and responsibility
ability to kick ideas around and joke or play, but still having endurance, persaverence to take things to completion.
5. Imaganation and Fantasy vw. Reality
able to visit different worlds and leap into beyond (!!!) But still in the present. All of the ideas are rootede in reality - it's an evolutionary process
6. Extroverstion & Introversion
Current psycological research says that this is the most stable personality train that can be measured. Creative people can express both at the same time. You have to be out there with people exchange interaction (socially hearing the ideas) but time along to think and digest
7. Humble & Proud
They are well aware of their accomplishments, but they know it's built on other works. Aware that there's some degree of luck and focused on future projects. Ambition vw. Selflesssnesss - competition and coperation. Need to be agressive (to get listened to, etc.) But willling to subdue personal comfort for the project.
8. Absence of Rigid gender role stereotyping
be agressive and nurturing, dominant and submissive regardless of gender
9. Rebelious and Independent vs. Following / internalized rules in domain of culture
tradionals to a certain extend - - - you have to know the rules to break the rules. Conservatism and traditional while rebelling against them.
10. Rassionate & Objective
attachment and detachment - - need to lack credibility to look at critically
11. Suffering and Pain vs. Enjoyment
Stereotypical depressed artist - - - but there are "regular people" who are depressed - - - and artists who are healthy too. Recognize both halves of self.
Not just one thing, but a range of things FLEXIBLE
more than the craft of a displine or technical elements.
Creativity is cultuvated
Artists spend more time in cultivation process
1. Preperation - laying ground work and background (conciously or unconciously)
2. Cone=centraion - totally absorbed in problem - oftem below the thresholhold of concentration
3. Illumination - the actual moment - Ephanimy 00 seems like most of the work is done (it's not!)
4. Evaluation - Is this insight valuable or worth pursing?
5 Elaboration - venfication production confronting practifal problems of solving it
Not a linear process - it's often interupted by incubation (sometimes considered another phase) time. Take a rest time to think or let gel - - look at other disiplines push ideas (and censorship) out of concious mind.
an flow chart back to the begining at any point - - it's a back and forth process
Other key things to make creativity happen
* SUrroundings are important, personal pattern reflect habits and thought. It's an environment of your own making, Infomration, Action, Ideas happen in certain places, Like Paris or New York. It's were the People and conversations are (the internet has changed this to some extent)
* Physical Environment a place that helps you think
* Patern or way of doing things - - like working / eating/ sleeping a rhythm or creative pattern
Being in the groove and time flies by. It's a condition to try and create.
9 elements about how they feel (or to try and create for themselves)
1. Clear Goals every step of the way
2. Immediate Feedback to ones actions (self feedback)
3. Balance between challenges and skills
4. Action and Awareness emerged (1 point mind, but aware of what's going on -- not preoccupied with something else)
5. Only aware of the here and now (take distractions and put aside)
6. Not worreid about failure (not too muc censoring -- beyond that. Keep moving beyond the need to evaluate)
7. Self conciousness disappears (and usually emerge with a stronger self confidence)
8. Time becomes distorted
9. The point of the activity is the end itself. Enjoyment - keep moving though it is what's important
Gardner and 7 intellegences
Logical math
visual spacial
Homework - read ch. 1 and 2 and intro pages
review presentation chapter