EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about
When I examine myself and my methods of thought,
I come to the conclusion that the gift
of fantasy has ment more to me than my talent
for absorbing positive knowledge
- Abert Einstein
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Everything you imagine is real
- Pablo Picasso
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I have a terribly active immagination
I don't e mail my friends enough, and when I do write them I rarely have enough interesting stuff in my life to write about (who wants to get a letter / e mail that says "I had a beautiful spinach salad for dinner, and walked to the park tonight. My cat just puked on the carpet and my 4th graders learned how to play C naturals today!") Now I get really excited about C naturals and a good spinach salad -- and one knows one has found a 'kindred spirit' when they also get excited about C Naturals -- but how many times can a person write about C Naturals before it becomes cliche'???)
I ought to do someting really exciting -- so I can entertain my e mail buddies - but it hasn't happened yet - so instead I make up interesting stuff from my 'imaganary Life' and write about that (sometimes I make up stuff about THEIR life - it's always fun to plan out their lives for them!
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Oh it's delightful to have ambitions.
I'm so glad I have such a lot.
And ther never seems to be any end
to them - that's the best of it.
Just as soon as you attain one ambition
yu see another one glittering higher
up still. It does make life so interesting.
Anne Shirley
from L.M. Montgomery's
Anne of Green Gables
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I went to elementary school, then jr. high and High School (my HS has since closed - but I had nothing to do with it!) and eventually , on to a small (yet "World Wise") Liberal Arts College where I majored in music education.
Then I got a job as "elemetary orchestra director." I had some awesome students, (mostly) fabulous collegues, and great admin. support, but I needed to move on to new and bigger things
My Brother Jon suggested I "throw my life away, dye my hair blue, and join a rock band" Being a electrical engineer with pyrotechnic tendencies, he even master-minded a way to make me look cool (and "punk-rock-like") by having the scroll of my violin burst into flames at the end of a flashy solo! (he says it'd be better than smashing a guitar around like they do on TV!)
As much fun as playing a flaming fiddle might be, I decided to quit my day job, go back to school, and pick up a degree in Arts Administration. (Other than Rachel Barton there's not a lot of demand for punk rock violinists!)
By the way, Rachel B. is my favorite Violinists
Yo-yo Ma is my favorite cellist
Keith Lockhart is my favorite Conductor
REAL Vanillia is my favorite ice cream flavor
Cookies-n-Cream is my second favorite flavor
Half Orange Sherbert/ Half Vanillia is my third favorite flavor
I really like Ice cream!
Waffles could quite possibly be the worlds most perfect food (not the "leggo my eggo" waffles from the freezer, but REAL belgium waffles, made in a waffle iron) I love waffles!
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I am an artist when I discover shadows made by the moon,
or trace patterns in the sand,
or when I name the colors inside a shell.
I am an artist when I notice that the sea is a mirror for the sky,
and when I make something from the things that I collect.
by Pat Lowery Collins
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I have a true artistic tempterment -- complete with random left brain organization, and a general carefree attitude, but I grew up in a house full of logical, rational, mathematical people, (aka engineers)
These "people/engineers" taught me their logical, rational, reasonable ways and supressed my natural artistic spacey-ness. This has made me a "creatively logical" kind of person. (Arts Administration is the PERFECT field for me!)
SO . . . I spend my evenings taking Arts Administration classes at SMU, work as a "grant writer slash office admin. slash webmaster" for a small arts education organization in the mornings, do a volunteer internship in the afternoons, and teach private violin lessons on the weekend.
I have a cat (named CAT or KITTY)
AND I have a 3 year old nephew named Miller. He is completely brilliant, and completely manipulative (He leared well!)
PLUS there's the dog that adopted me.
My Myers-Brigg "type" came out as INTP. My "True Colors" Personality came out as Green My "modal preerence" came out as Abstract Sequential. And the "Personal Power Profile" put me in Stage 2. (Do you feel like you know me yet?)
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Shall I go off to South Arica?
Shall I put out my ship to sea?
Or get in a cage and be lions and tigers?
Or - shall i be only Me?
- A.A. Milne
from When We Were Very Young
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My favrite color is blue - but for a long time I refused to have a favorite color. (I didn't want to hurt the other color's feelings!!) In 1st Grade, Mrs. Homan mentioned that her favorite color was purple. I decided that if Mrs. Homan could have a favorite color, it'd be ok for me to like purple too (I adored Mrs. Homan, anything she did had to be right and good!)
My camp name is REEP (short for Reepicheep, who is a brave little mouse) I often feel like a mouse - but rarely feel brave (I had hoped the name might wear off on me).
Camp is Good. (I love camp!)
Camp Friends are some of the best
Camp Songs, Camp Fires, Camp Games, and Camp Counselors are good too! (I LOVE CAMP!!)
I wanna go see the world, my old camp buddies, and just travel. I'd love to backpack through Eurpoe, (and the maybe Africa!) but can't even carve out time enough for a weeks worth of camping in my own state (Although I'm really hoping to get away this summer if I can possibly even sorta make that work out - stay tuned for details on that one!!)
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