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Arts Law Class #4

Ethics work best when discussed (-:
Ethics are easy when it's simple (-:

Grand Principals - formulative
(Ex: Golden Rule & Ten Commandments - which of course everyone violates!)
* Codes written into the law
* Scientific / natural principals
* Cultural norms

BUT . . . They only work in simple situations!!!
- Often Grand Principals conflict with other grand principals
- People sometimes just don't believe Grand Principals

- By nature Grand Principals are general / vague (What is "duty to family") - Standards may differ (count by % or dollar amounts or??)
- Situations where both sides seem right
- Situations where both sides seem wrong

M. Luther conclusion - Sin Courageously

All effort to resolve ethics problems revolve around basic values. All systens of ethics start with values.
Kent Hodson (Local Ethicist with Book - Between A Rock and A Hard Place)
7 Principals / Values

1. Recognition of Dignity of Human Life
2. Autonomy / right of self determination
3. Honestly - Truth should be told to those who have a right to know it
4. Loyalty
5. Fairness - justice
6. Humane-ness actions ought to acompoish some good and no harm
7. Common good

How do define? Could it be fair not to tell the truth to someone (#3) if they don't have the "right" to know??
Once you define (difficult) application is even more difficult!

Ken Hodson Theory on Application
System of resolving / applying ethical based decision
1. Analyze / examine situation - dissect
2. Apply 7 basic principals to objectives of various stakeholders. Applyu value to out comes - look at consequences.
Remember YOU are a stake holder
If awful people were common - there would be general chaos
Most of our laws are voluntarily enforced (even speed limits!!)

Where did standards come from to begin with??
Duty (Legal / fiduciary / party/ family)

There is a danger in not talking about it. It's dangerous to always look to yourself. Without outside advice there's little way to learn

Strict Adherence to Policy Vs. Analyzing and dissecting

Go out and "Sin Courageously"