JVW's Booklist
The greatest, most worthwhile books in the whole world (in no particular order) according to ME!
Anne of Green Gables (and the other Anne Books!) L.M. Montgomery
Bud Not Buddy Christopher Paul Curtis
Voyage of the Dawn Treader (and the other Narnia Books!) C.S. Lewis
A Light in the Attic Shel Silverstein
The Chosen and < href ="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0449209105/ref=pd_sim_books_1/002-6363641-6455213?v=glance&s=books"> The Promise Chaim Potok
Robert the Horse P.D. Eastmen
Circle of Quiet (and the other Crosswicks Journals) Madeline L'Engle
< a href ="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0808547283/qid=1045240651/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-6363641-6455213?v=glance&s=books"> A Visit to William Blakes Inn Nancy Willard
The Laughing Sutra Mark Salzman
Iron and Silk Mark Salzman
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (and the other Harry Potter Books!) JK Rowling
A Live Coal in the Sea Madeline L'Engle
A Ring of Endless Light Madeline L'Engle
Women of Camelot Mary Hoffman
Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book Terry Jobes
The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Expery
Reviving Ophelia Mary Pipher
inspiration sandwich SARK
Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling
Tisha Robert Specht
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen, and Listen so Kids Will Talk Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
The Golden Compass Philip Pullman
The Very Persistant Grappers of Frip by George Saunders
The Cultural Creatives by Paul & ?? Ford
Other Booklists
Twaddle Free Books an interesting list
The Ultimate Book List
Project Gutenberg (not really a booklist - but this is the best page to find old books - VERY COOL!)
Musical Booklist