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Last Conference

Tonight I began my last set of conferences. My favorite parents stoped by (It'd be wrong for me to have a favorite student, but there is nothing un-ethical about having favorite parents!)

Now, my favorite parents have a kid who is a brilliant student, and the brilliance carries through to orchetra -- as far as their kid goes, there isn't much to talk about -- but in the 6 conferences I've been lucky enough to have with them we've always found other things to talk about.

Today they mentioned that they'd just heard a rummor about my resignation for next year (which is an open secret - my principals and team members know - but I"m not planing on telling students until after the 5th grade spring concert). We talked about my grad school plans -- I mentioned some of my reservations (they understood!!) They told me I was smart for going back now and said I'd be successful at anything I did (Wow -- that made me feel warm and fuzzy - - not just because I was called "smart" and "successful" but because I so respect the people who told me I was doing the right thing and it would be all be OK)

They just "got it" Like no one else here has - I didn't have to justify my decision or explain myself - I love that.

I'd love to have them as neighbors or even friends (not just because they said nice things about me - but because they are interesting and real and intellegent without being condesentding. They travel and read and talk and are the kind of person i so want to be!! And they don't do any of this stuff to prove their affluence -- they do it because they like it and who they are) They'd be great people to stop mowing the lawn and go talk to on a summer night (OK - like most everyone else in this town, I'm pretty sure they hire someone to cut the grass --- which is too bad -- my family thinks I'm crazy - but I LOVE to mow the lawn - and it's the one thing I don't like about apartment living (and the folks who do it for my complex do such an awful job -- uneven lines, missed patches, slopy turns, and boring patterns!!)

Ah well, all good things stop sometime - and tonight would have been my last conference with them anyway -- their kid will be in Jr High next year - so even if I were going to stay here - I wouldn't get to have conferences with them --- too bad.

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