Delfi E mail
Delfi is incredible!
Below is her response to an SOS e mail I sent out one Thursday evening regarding a specific scarey something I DID NOT want to do. Having lived with me through some pretty rotten experiences (and might I add - some wonderful moments!) Delfi is one of the few people who know me better than me! (Now that's scarey!)
Her reply was so good - it evolved into my "all purpose" pep-talk!
If I were in charge of the world, everyone would have a Delfi at the other end of their e mail!
Dearest Reep~
I am sorry that it's taken me all day to reply to your message. I had the urge to call you when I read it, but since it was nearly 1am I thought I shouldn't! And I thought about calling you today, but you were at work and I paid my car insurance and became officially broke again. (It seems that as soon as I get a little money saved up, I have a bill to pay!)
First of all I want to say that procrastinating isn't all bad! There are some very good things that came from procrastination ~ penicillin, for instance, someone put off the clearing of the dinner dishes and the mold took over from there. But you are right, procrastinating on scary things, just makes them more scary (so I hope you didn't put it off another day!)
Point 2 ~ shy can be good! I, believe it or not, am shy. (yes, I know, hard to believe!) The person you met at camp isn't who I am in everyday life. I am the kid who sits somewhere off to the side (not in back, I can't see that far) and listens intently but very rarely asks questions or offers up comments in class. I am not as shy as I used to be and for a few years in grade school, I was even quite talkative (I even had a mark in the "needs to be quieter" section on a report card or 2!) On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being normal shyness and 10 being that weird, schizophrenic kinds of shyness) I'm probably about a 4 now. I digress . . . Shy people are, in my opinion, like fairies and elves. They seem to always be taking note of what's going on in the world. I used to imagine that you were a mischievous little fairy in real life and you posed as a person to work at camp to find out what we people were really like. I could easily see you taking notes on everyone and everything. (and occasionally, throwing a little mischief into the mix ~ but only by suggestion!)
What I'm trying to say here is that you shouldn't try to loose that shy quality all together. It's good and it makes you who you are. With that said, I do think leaving your comfort zone a little is also good! Which means doing things you don't like!! I personally think that this could be a really good opportunity . . . if you want it to be. It could be the chance to meet a lot of potentially great people, besdies Mr. Right could be out there waiting to hear that you have the same hobby as him and that you love cats (and Yo-Yo Ma!)
It could be too much too soon though. If you are physically shaking at the idea, then maybe this is not a hill you can climb in one step. Tell them you aren't comfortable with it and ask about doing something else. Get involved Reep! Easier said than done, I know.
As for the adults vs. kids thing, well you can't even compare the two groups! Kids are forgiving and honest, and for the most part, you can make a fool of yourself in front of them and they are likely to not even notice (and if they do, they think your cool). Adults you don't have that with. Adults aren't always honest or forgiving and they generally do notice if you make a mistake or act silly. Why do you think I like kids so much!! ;)
As for why they called you -- MAYBE THEY LIKE YOU! Not necessarily in a romantic way (although that could be the case). You are a really likable person Reep! Your easy going, fun to be around and well, and you plan my life so well I would be lost without you! :) Seriously, they probably thought that you would do a good job and that you were the kind of person that people would really like and be able to relate to once they got to know you. Maybe they are interested in getting to know you better and this is a good way to do that ~ get to know your intrestests and viewpoints.
I know you've probably already answered them and I wish you could have gotten this sooner! I hope this has been wise enough. I would say more, but my head is literally swimming I'm so tired! I haven't been sleeping well ~ weird dreams, I'll tell you about them later. I have my last CPR instructor class tomorrow. With any luck, next time you talk to me, I will be a Red Cross instructor!
I miss you tons and tons!!
If I win the lotory I will come see you weekend after next (I'm in St. Louis next weekend, otherwise I'd come then)!