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- Play the violin part to Black Brown and Beighe with a real band I'd even settle for playing part 5 with a piano reducation (in a dark nightclub with smokey ambiance (no real smoke -- tha'd just bug me and ruin my night!!)

Be Published I don't know what or where or anything like that - but I want to have something read by lots of people and fool them all into thinking I have lots of great things to say!!!

Backpacking Tip Maybe a fall / spring adventure. (in northern U.S.???) It's been too long since I've been really hiking or really even just out in the woods (it'd be cool to touch the apalician trail - but I think I'd also like to play a bit on the discovery trail too!)

Be Brave Goot love the non-specific, non-measurable goals!)

Start, Lead, Found, Direct or otherwise begin something new and great! (A community orchestra??? A childnren chourus?? A foundation of some sort?? I don't know - I just wanna do something big (and be a part of building it!)

Less Chemicals in my life another wonderfully vague statement!

Free more books see Book Crossings to find out more about releasing captive books to the wild!!!

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