1. We tried that before 2. Our place is different. 3. That's not our responsibility. 4. That's not my job. 5. We're too busy to do that. 6. It's too radical a change. 7. We don't have the authority. 8. We don't have enough help. 9. We've never done that before. 10. Things aren't that bad around here. 11. We're getting by. 12. Let's get back to reality. 13. That's not our problem. 14. Why change it? It's still working. 15. I don't like the idea. 16. You're right - but.... 17. You're two years ahead of your time. 18. We're not ready for that. 19. We don't have the money, equipment, room or personnel. 20. It isn't in the budget. 21. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. 22. That's not practical. 23. Let's give it more thought. 24. Top management would never go for it. 25. Let's wait until conditions are more favorable. |
26. Let's put it in writing. 27. We'll be the laughing stock. 28. Not that again. 29. Where'd you dig that one up? 30. We did all right without it. 31. That's what we can expect from the staff. 32. It's never been tried before. 33. Let's shelve it for the time being. 34. Let's for a committee. 35. Has anyone else ever tried it? 36. People won't like it. 37. I don't see the connection. 38. It won't work here. 39. What your really saying is .... 40. Maybe that will work in your department, but not in mine. 41. Don't you think we should look into it further before we act? 42. Let's all sleep on it. 43. It can't be done. 44. It's too much trouble to change. 45. It won't pay for itself. 46. I know a person who tried it. 47. It's impossible. 48. We've always done it this way. 49. We're not here to think. 50. Let me think about that, and I'll get back to you. |