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Quotes without a home (yet)

Art and Music is the drug of choice for millions of kids. If we expect them to "Just say no" to a chemical high then we must realize the healing alternative: the power of their own creativity.

Demand and support the real anit-Drug Program
If the student does not undestand the process, the practice becomes misguided by encouragin the student to go home and pracice. Practicing always ends in failure
Ed Lisk - the creative director pg. 16

The instrumental program that encourages students to become active participants in music making will alwyas be the prime program of worth and value to the student
Unfortunately, rehearl techniques often misguide musical expression by only focusing on objectve knowledge. The irectors responsibility is to design rehearsals, exercises, and literature so that students create their own meaning based upon their knowledge and skill. This ensures that learning will motivate students while encuraging a sense of confidence with their musical decisions
Ed Lisk - pg 9 - creative director

Simply going through the mindless exercise of playing great amounts of music does not assure accuracy, nor does it cnsider any form of intellectual process. p13 Ed Lisk

Tradition is really just complacency and slackness
Gustav Mahler

Once errors are stamped into the tradition of established practice, they are often perpetuated with great momentu
V.A. Howard
Feb 1991 issue of Harvard Education Journal

My aim in teaching . . . is to give children a sense of joy in experiencing one of the most beautiful and spiritually enriching things we have in the world, which is music. I do not wish to tun all my students into professional musicians -- but to use music to develop their sensitivity as human beings. Music can open a child's heart and give him a iner appreciatin of life.
Shinichi Suzuki

I praise loudly, I blame softly Katherine the Second

The nobler sort of man empahsizes the good qualities in others and does not accentuate the bad. The inferrior does the reverse Confucious

I would be most content if my chidlren grew up to be the kind of people who think decorating consists mostly of building enough bookshelves Anna Quindlen

If passion drives, let reason hold the reins Ben Franklin

Little progress can be made by merely attempting to repress what is evil; our great hope lies indeveloping what is good calvin Colridge

I've never met a musician who regretted being on. whatever deceptions life may have in stroe for you, music itself is not going to let you down Virgil Thomson composer& music critic

I have always believedin the definition of an educated man or woman as one who cold if necessary redound his or her civization. That menas we must teach our students more than hard facts and floppy discks. We must teach them the rich artistic inheritance of our culture and appreciation of how fine music enriches both the student who studies it and the society that produces it. . . the existance of strong music and find arts curricul are important to keeping thehumanities trly humainzing and liberals arts education trl liberating Ronald Reagan

In the coming centry survival will depend upone those who have learned to handle threats with imagination, change with improvisation, and human realations with empathy. Thefore quality education must mean total ecuation Gloria J. Klester

"For a beginner, the violin is almost impossible to hold correctly, and once you do, it's uncomortable. Some prize. Then, plaing a tune you could whistle in a second is like eading the invasion of Normandy. If I'd had a choice about an instrument, I might have chosen the piano. You want an A, press down a key and ther's A. Getting an A or any solid tone out o the violin takes almost endless practice. But even then, the nightmare;s just begun. Making music out o those tones is no spring picnic. For on thing there are no frets on a violin ingerboard as there are on a guitar. A violinst has to memorize the notes by touch. Whoever invented the instrument probaly went on to invent the ac, Chinese water tourture, and tooth decay. A violin is a hard piece o wood that scars your neck, your right hand draws a thin bow, and your left finers are half curled on the finger board pressing down on metal strings. Nothing about the violin is natural, comfortable, easy or graceful. There are difculties galore playing and instrument well.. But for just plain never ending drudgery, the violin has to be right up at the top of the list. A quote from an autobiography by Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg (violinist)

Personally, I do not believe the human mind has any limits but those we impose on ourselves. . . i do not believe that man has even begun to realize who he is or what he can become. So far he has been playing it by ear, following paths o least resistance, getting by because most others were just getting by too.

I believe that man has been liviign and is living in a neanderthal state of mind. Mentally, we are still flaking rocks for scraping stones or chipping them for arrowheads. The life that lies before us will no longer permit such wasterfulness or neglect. We are moving into outerspace where the problems will be infinitely greater and will demand quicker, more absolute solutions Louis L'Amour rom Education o a wandering man

Black dots and lines on white pieces of paper
That doesn't sound like much, but these things have combined to threaten governments, motivate people, and untie cultures. Nothing ties, defines and dies like music. It's power is undeniable. Central Web Page

The world belongs to the energetic -Ralph Waldo Emerson

All that we are is the result of what we have thought - Buddha

a house unkempt can no be so distressing as a life unlived - Rose Mc Caulay

The height of secrity is not to give a damn -mario Buatta

There is nothing duller than perfectly good taste -Billy Bladwin

Style is a search for greater freedom. You don't need money or culture, just a bit o courage and a lot of passion - Stephan Janson , French dsigner

Just give me the luxuries of life; I can live without the necessities Oscar Wilde

Time given to thought is the greatest time saver of all Norman Cousins

a weed is a plant whose virtures have not yet been discovered Ralph Waldo Emmerson

An interesting room is often the product of a well-furnished mind UNKNOWN

It's bad enough to be misterable, but it is even worse when everyone else is claiming tobe miserable too
- Eeyore (A.A. Milne)

I don't say we all ought to misbegave, but we ought to look as if we could
_Orson Wells

Adults are obsolete children
_ Dr Seuss

On the techniclal side, the development o a sound, solid craft is the best advice anyone can be given. The stdy o te great cannon of western music. A working familarity with counteroint of that should be part of every composer. Reading is enormously important for inspiration and creation o music. There is more music to be ound in poetry and quiet contemlatin o nature than studying music itself. _ John Williams in Talk City On Line Chat

The application o work gets us where to go, but the hard work has to be sustaned at the most diicult times and that kind of tenacty will get hose of us who are not genuises but mere mortals over the finish line _ John Williams from the same Talk City On Line Chat mentioned above

I msut study politics and war . . . that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy . . . in order to give their chidren a right to study painting, poerty and music
From the pen of John Adams

How sad. Our country has become one which measures everything by statisticcs. Read the paper; movies are judged by box office intake; rock stars by the records they sell; basball players by their home run production; and schools by the buymber of graduates going on to college and wrost of all TV programs by the number o bored views they attract.

Science creates numberical statistics -- mefatons of power o a hydrogen bomb, spped of the jetfighter, milage of a new car o its ability to go frm 0 to 60 in x seconds. SO WHAT?

What happened to our ability to evaluate a play? What does the play All my sons tell us about the corruption of our society?

We need music, all o the arts, philosopy, religion etc. to make us aware that there is value in things not measured by staticts. That a musicican can communicate in this abstract language of sounds with subtle variations of pitch and rhythm is uncannyt. That 2 trained musicians, one from China, the other from Brazil can sit down together and play a paino - violin sonata within minutes of having met each other is overwhelming. What a testaomny to the potiential greatness of makind.

How many hours of joy have been brought to millions of people for over 200 years by Mozart's Marriage of Figaro? What an acheivement for one man.
R. Gerry Long from a post to the ASTA- Listserv March 31, 1999

When a true genus appears in the world, you may know him by this sign - the dunces are all in a confederacy against him
All people dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind wake in the day to find that it was vanity.

But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people. For they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.

-T.E. Lawrence
explorer and writer

“Inspiration usualy comes during work, rather than before it.”
- Madeleine L’Engle
from Summer of Great Grandmother p. 143
‘Yes’, my friend said, ‘I don’t see why there shouldn’t be books in Heaven. But you will find that your library in Heaven contains only some of the books you had on earth.’ ‘Which?’ I asked. “the ones you gave away or laent.’ ‘I hope the lent ones won’t still have all the borrowers’ dirty thumb marks,’ said I. ‘Oh yes they will,’ said he. ‘But just as the wounds of the martyrs will have turned into beauties, so you will find that the thumb-marks have turned into beautiful illuminateed capitals or exquisite marginal woodcuts.’ From God in the Dock p 216
C.S. Lewis
I There is a gap in understand between me and our friends and acquaintances. I can’t quite undersatnd a life without books and study and music and pictures and a driving passion. And they, on the other hand, can’t understand why I have to write, why I am a writer. When, fo instance, I say to someone that I have to get home to work, the assumption is that I mena housecleaning or ironing, not writing a book. I’m very kindly permitted to be a writer but not to take time in pursuing my trade. nor can they understand the importance of music, or why an hour with a Mozart sonata at the piano is not waster time but time spent on a real value. Or really listening, without talking, to music. Or going for a walk simply to see the beauty around one, or the real importance of a view from a window.
Madeleine L’Engle
from Two Part Invention p 156

When the effective leader is finished with his work, the people say it happened naturally
- Lao Tse
From how to think like einstrine p. 172 Original source unknown

Whatever you do will be insiginficant,
but it is very important that you do it.
- Mahatma Gandhi
From how to think like einstrine p. ?? Original source unknown

Any many who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking
- Albert Einstein
From how to think like einstrine p. 195 Original source unknown

Mere predident is a dangerous source of authority
- Andrew Jackson From how to think like einstrine p. 34 Original source unknown

Reality is merely an illusion albeit a very presistent one
- Albert Einstein
From how to think like einstine p. 117 Original source unknown

If I had eight hours to chope down a tree, I'd spend six sharpening my ax
Abraham Lincoln
From how to think like einstine p. 130 Original source unknown

Genius is the ability to hold one's vision steady until it becomes a reality
Benjamin Franklin
From how to think like einstine p. 137 Original source unknown

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
Albret Einstein
From how to think like einstine p. 142 Original source unknown

Two things are infinate: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe
- ALbert Einstein
From how to think like einstine p. 160 Original source unknown

If A is success in life, then A= x+y+z.
Work is x, y is play, and z is keeping your mouth shut.
Albert Eintsein
From how to think like einstine p. 162 Original source unknown

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a tuch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction
Albert Einstein
From how to think like einstine p. 171 Original source unknown


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