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Sept. 14, 2001

I am so bothred by WVC's phone call last night

Does it really take a presidental proclimation for them to pray?!

Is the WVC sanctuary (from 10-12) the only place to do it?!

I really wanted to tell the voice on the phone that I'm not ready to pray and remember. I don't know who or what to pray for -- even before Tuesday I had reserations about the whole process. Even if I was 100% behind what you are saying I HAVE A JOB I NEED TO BE AT FROM 10-12!!!!!!

Now, I wouldn't mind talking, but not the touchy, feely, sappy kind of talk - there is too much of that going on right now. I want to be intellectual - I want to talk about forgien and domestic policy changes. I want to talk about NATO and the reversal of roles. I want to compare lists of articles, books, music and "stuff" that touch me (and other people) right now. I want to predict the future and have a nice discussion about new technological and philosophical implications on Tuesday.

On the news this mornin a senator said that this was not a crime scene "per say" and we don't need to prove "beyond a resonable doubt" to a jury that bin Lauden planed it. The senator said that we needed only enough evidence for our cncious before we attack.

This greatly disurbs me.

The standards for locking one away for life i prision is "proff beyond a resonable doubt BUT the standards for blowing away a whole country of civilians is simply "enough for our concious" ?!

The REAL WORLD is not so clearly defined Mr. Senator (my concious probably needs a lot more evidence than yours does, how do you sothe a collective psyce?) How do we know who is good and bad? Did the hijackers think they were doing "good"?? They were willing to die for their convictions - right now the U.S. only seems willing to let others die for their opinions.

How do we know God is on "our" side?
Didn't they think they were doing what God wanted?
What if the folks at WVC are praying right now to the same God that the hijackers prayed to just before they stoped???
It's too soon.
I need time to think, to sort this out, so LEAVE ME ALONE.

Yeah - that's what I wanted to say (maybe what I should have said). But I didn't.

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