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There was a philosophy Proff at

who told his class "There is such a thing as a stupid question - don't ask them!"

Now, somehow I managed to loop-hole my way out of a philosophy class, so I only know this because Ann told Mindy and I about it. (I think Mindy iggled out of a philosophy class too - it must have been a BIG loop hole!!)

I remember giggling about it, and thinking "yeah, I wish more profs would not allow dumb questions!"

My standard for stupid questions is . . . If you can figure it out / look it up/ discover/ or think thought it on your own to find an answer, but are too lazy to other with doing it yourself so you ask --- THAT'S A STUPID QUESTION.

I love the Piaget Quote "Everytime we teach a child something, we keep him from inventing it himself . . that which we allow him to discover by himself will remain with him." BUT I change it a bit "Everytime we teach SOMEONE something we keep THEM from inventing it THEMSELF"

There are too many people who want to show instead of letting me discover. AND there are too many people who are willing to be shown instead of struggling a little.

The William Ayers Quote about "Training" vs. Education would fit in well here -- but I don't have it handy.

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