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My 2nd Encounter

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AMY'S OTHER ENCOUNTER= I am sorry i haven't gotten around to putting my 2nd concert experience up but finally i did so here it is!!! The concert was the BEST!!!!!! Here is the whole story. I got up at about 9:30 on Thursday morning. My best friend Sarah who went to the concert with me arrived a little after 10. It took us until about 3:15 to get ready for the concert. Finally my brother and dad was ready to leave so we left at about 3:30. It took us 2 hours to drive to Sioux Falls. We got there at about 5:30 and the concert was to start at 8pm. We immediately got in there and my dad and bro went to go get something to eat while we stood in line. Only about 10 people were in front of us. Well they guy told us we had to go down farther so we were right under the grand stand. We could hear n'sync rehearsing and doing there sound checks. By the way me and my friend decided to wear the same outfit (baby blue shirts with white nike pants) to get noticed from 12th row. Anyway, there was this dude selling little pics so i went up and got one for $5. The people who were standing by the doors, kept teasing us while n'sync was doing there sound checks by lifting them up a little to see them. Finally a little after 7 we were let in. Me and Sarah were supposed to meet 2 other girls who went to the concert but when we walked in there, people were going to the front. So me and Sarah walked and we were about 5 people in front of us from the stage. I was way stoked cause it was much better view. After waiting for about another hour, everyone down where we were, were sweating bad cause it was HOT. Well some people were getting crushed cause over 6,000 people were there. The security guards told us to move back or n'sync won't come out. Nobody would move so they told 25 people had to leave where we were. I didn't. Everytime they said moved back i moved forward. Anyway, they said another 25 people had to leave cause it was still crowded and the security guard was coming right for me but luckly my friend pulled me over to her. About 30 minutes later the radio people came out. Also i had a note for justin i was going to throw onstage. Anyway, finally the radio station said okay here is n'sync. The music started and i looked around but nobody came out. Then i saw a brown cloth and noticed that they had there space suits and motorcycle helmets on!!!! THey dance to star wars music and the whole time we were trying to see which one justin was. Finally they removed there helmets and Justin was soooooooooooooo beautiful!!!! Instead of his gold hoops he had diamonds and his eyes were sparkling. Me and my friend were the only ones screaming and yelling and waving for a while. All the girls just looked at us like we were wierd. Anyway, they first did "Crazy for you" and when joey did that scream justin stuck his tongue out like he did in the disney concert. IT was so cuttttttteeeeeee!!!! They sang "Rock with you",I drive myself crazy,begees medley, and somewhere in there jc accidentially fell but got up quickly. Then They eached introduced themselves and lance teased us with his low sexy voice. B4 Jc sang "FOr the girl who has everything" he said all you beautiful ladies out here tonight, with your beautiful smile, and beautiful eyes. How sweet!!!! They sang "i want you back"and "here we go" and they introduced the band. Justin had that black guy with blond hair keyboard dude, joey had the drums,jc the keyboard Dax, and lance had a guitar and chris had they guitar dude who played the guitar in "Crazy for You" in the disney concert. They also were wearing these tan jerseys and then changed and had boots on and justin had on a blue shirt. He took it off right b4 the last song tearin up my heart. Damn. He was beautiful and really muscular. He looked alot at me and i was so happy. Get this, Joey saw me screaming his name jumping and waving (all the other girls were screaming justin and jc) and he saw me winked smiled and waved 2 different times. Lance waved too and i know it was me cause again the girls were screaming at justin and jc. When they did yes yes yes here we go, n'sync has got the flow, JUSTIN and joey were on our side!!!!! I screamed as loud as i could. WHen the other side was screaming with jc and lance, justin did this cute face like whatever we are better. It was cute. They did the when i saw n you say sync. Also b4 they sang tearin up my heart they acted like they were leaving. I was like what?? At one point everyone was throwing stuff animals and flowers that i forgot to throw my note. I know i know i feel so stupid. One of them throw out a shirt and a couple people behind me caught it. Chris threw 2 letters or something out to us. My friend had it in her hand but it fell and someone else got it. Also at one point in the concert someone poked me and i turned around and this girl is like you have gum in you hair. I was like what??? It turns out there was this bitch behind me who put it in there. Luckly my friend got it out without cutting. Anyway i watched justin at the end after he blow a kiss and made a peace sign walk of the stage tell he was gone. It turns out that they didn't do a autograph signing probably cause the delay. I was mad. Even b4 the band was done playing they were gone. Oh yeah and earlier when we were waiting under the grand stand, i saw there body guard walk right by me. He is huge and really scary. Well that is all i can think of right now. Oh yeah my dad got 92 pics and some are chris and jc playing hackey b4 the show in the field behind the stage.
