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My 3rd Encounter

My 3rd concert i went to was on December 27th, 1998. It was in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I ended up getting up early around 6:30 and we started out at about 7. My best friend Sarah went with me along with my dad and brother. We got to Minneapolis at about noon. We tried to find the Orpheum(the theater the were performing at) and it took us like a hour and a half. We finally spotted this maroon bus and i go "oh my god that is there bus!!" Well it used to be anyway. So we went by the front and sure enough it was it. We decided to go to the mall of america and when we were there so was B*Witched and they were signing autographs but i didn't get one. We finally headed back to the theater at about 4:00. We waited in line tell about 6:30. There was a camera crew outside for the tv show "Whatever" so me and my friend went out there and we got interviewed and i danced for the camera. We finally were let in and i went to my seat. I had 6th row but only 1 ticket so i was by myself. B*Witched came out and they were okay, i like there song "Rollercoaster". Anyway, then Britney Spears came out and i love her so i was screaming since that was the first time i saw her. She did her songs then for about 15 to 20 minutes they had a intermission. Finally the lights dimmed and n'sync came out in space suits. They are so cool!!!!! Anyway, they sang all there songs and when the concert ended i rushed to get outside. By the time i got out the bus was gone. A whole bunch of girls were by the maroon bus which they thought was there bus. When i found everyone, we jumped in the car and headed home cause i was gonna see n'sync the next night in Des Moines. My brother was hungry so we pulled onto a exit. We were looking for places that were still open then my friend goes "Oh my god" and i look over and there is there tour bus at a gas station. I told my dad to turn around and he finally did and n'sync was just taking off from the gas station. We followed them on the highway for a little but then my brother complained about being hungry so we pulled off onto an exit and i was mad cause i thought i was gonna meet them.
