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Courtney's Encounter

I just went to the concert on April 8th, it was the best day of mylife! I live in San Antonio and my two friends and I got to miss two days of school to drive to Dallas where the concert was and it is like 5 hoursaway! We heard about NSYNC being at Planet Hollywood in Dallas at 1:30pm butwe didn't know for sure. We got to Dallas at 12:30 and decided just totry Planet Hollywood! We got there and there was 400 fans outside! Weasked what was going on and they said that people have been there since4:30am because they get to have a conference inside with NSYNC! They hadalready picked the fans that got to go inside! So we were outside with all ofthe other fans just waiting to see NSYNC walk to there limo! Theconference was over and all of the fans came out but still no NSYNC. We asked one ofthe fans that got to go inside what was going on and she said that they are eating in there own private room and they will be out in a littlewhile! Still, they were letting no one in! My dad asked if we wanted to getin and we said yeah! So 20min later he came back and somehow they let usinside! All of the other fans were so mad because we don't even live in Dallasand We weren't there forever! Anyway, we got in because my dad is a lawyerand new the security guard! There was only 7 other people in there! NSYNC was upstairs in there own room eating! Finally they walked down the stairswhere we were and I was in shock! Chris was holding BUSTA, the dog andlooked at me and shook my hand! Then Lance came down and he is so hott inperson, his eyes are so green! Then Joey came down and saw me crying and took myhand and kissed it! At this point, we were dying! Then JC came down and I touched his favorite leather jacket! He has chin pubes by the way,they are so cute! And then it was Justin and he had red hair, he shook my andwinked and asked what was up! I was balling! We talked to them for like10min, just me and my friends and they signed stuff and we took pics! Theyare the most awesome guys! They are always happy! After we met them, I threwup and we balled for three hours! Then, that night, the concert was awesome,it was so cool just thinking that we touched them! That day was the best ofmy life and we had no idea that we were going to be able to meet them becausewe don't even live in Dallas! I e-mailed Justin and hopefully I will get backstage to the concert in San Antonio August 16! These guys are thebest in the whole world!
