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You Know Your a Fan when...............


1)You make a homepage like this one
2)Have your wall covered from floor to ceiling with posters of them
3)You sign your last name as Timberlake or Bass
4)You have your whole wedding planned out
5)Have your names kids picked out
6)Tell everyone that your going out with JC.
7)Your on the computer 24/7 looking up info on Joey.
8)Put Chris's pic in your wallet and tell everyone "This is a picture of my boyfriend.
9)Spend hours in the pouring rain or hot sun just to catch a glismpe of the boys!!!
10)Tell everyone that JC is yours so back off.
11)You get mad when you see Justin talking to a girl.
12)Pretend to be the boys and talk to girls on the internet
13)Try and get in the boys e-mails to mail back the girl fans and say that you are Lance is in-love with you so back off.
