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Ivy's Encounter!!

On Saturday Sept.19, Me and my friend went to go see 'N SYNC on MTV'sRock N Jock. We called MTV sooooo many times but they said that they ran out of tickets. We called 6 or 7 times a day but they said that they ran outso I started crying on the phone begging for tickets. But all they gave mewere the directions. So we decided to take a chance. So I had my parents driveme and my friend there. We thought it would be packed but it wasn't. MTVreally tried hard to keep it private. But when we asked if we could get in they saidno. Then at this point me and my friend started crying hysterically! So mydad tried asking the guy working there if there was any possible way to get tickets but the guy took one look at me and my friend and told us towait in line and to see what would happen. We could tell he felt sorry for us. So after waiting like 2 minutes. This girl came and gave us all these bluewrist bank things. This meant that you could get in. So me and my friendstarted screaming to the top of our lungs and then I started crying again whileI was laughing and then I almost stopped breathing!!! So then she took outthis list and said that our last name wasn't on it. So she said to wait there.But there were a lot of people behind us, so she let us all in!!!! Me and myfriend were screaming the whole time!!! They told us to go on the bleachers so wewent and then like 5 minutes later 'N SYNC came and I was screaming to the topof my lungs!!! I was screaming I love you Justin sooo many times and I knowhe heard me cuz he looked up at me!!! I was hysterical!!! They were practicingbefore they were going to play the real game so I screamed "HI LANCE!!!!" thenhe said "HI" back and i started screaming really loud again!! Then I sawJUSTIN so i screamed "HI JUSTIN!!!" AND THEN HE SAID "HEY WUSSUP!!" I screamedso loud that 3 people from MTV had to go up to the bleachers and tell meto be quiet or else they would have to take us down. ( i didn't know they were taping down there i was too busy watching Justin!!!) So anywayz I sawJC so when he shot his 4th basket in a row i started screaming really loud!!!so he said "THAT WAS MY 4TH ONE" and i started screaming again. So later MTVsaid that the ones with the blue wristbands could go to the VIP seats. So iwas the first one down there!!! Then they said that we had to leave but theytold me and my friend and a groups of other crazy fans to stay. So then we sawone of the employees bringing Justin towards the middle of the crowd so Istarted screaming again! He had to sit down in the middle of the VIP seats. Sothis was our order....It was me, my friend,a girl,then another girl, then JUSTIN!!!! So I was screaming really loud here!!! They told us to squish together. That girl that got to squish next to Justin was soooooolucky!!! So after the interview was over I ran to the other side of the court, cuzi knew thats where Justin would be coming out. But one of the security guardsstopped right in front of me and just blocked me, so I pushed him out of theway and ran right up to JUSTIN!!! and i asked him if I could get his autographso he smiled and signed it, while his bodyguard kept on saying "walk withus,walk with us ,walk with us." I tried to give him a hug, but the bodyguardpushed me away!..... I ALMOST DIED!!!!!! so he gave me the autograph and then isaid thankyou. But then me and my friend saw JC! so we said " JC wait!!! Canwe have your autograph??" JC: "No I'm sorry I can't I have to go!!!" so Isaid it's ok. But I didn't really mind because I got Justin's autograph andI love him soooo much!!!!!
