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My Banner Exchange

If you want to advertise your page (we all do), this is a fast and easy way to do it! Sign the guestbook
on my main page and tell me that you want your banner on this page and give me the code
and I will put it up on this page! There is only one thing I ask in return--for you to post my banner on
YOUR page!
This is what my banner looks like:

~*~Kara§ C̣rner~*~ ©
For Fun, Advice, and a good laugh! Go here to start the fun!

Now here's the code for my banner:

<table background="" border="4"><tr><td><font face="Courier New"><font color="white"><h3><center>~*~Kara§ C̣rner~*~ ©<BR> For Fun, Advice, and a good laugh! Go <A HREF="">here</a> to start the fun!<br> ©1999</tr></td></table><br><br><br>

Here are the banners, please help everyone on here out and visit their page!

.... ~*~Totally Chic!~*~ .... .
A Page of FUN!