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My School Scedule!

6:15 - Wake Up and Get Ready for School

7:20 - Walk to my bus stop and get picked up

7:55 Get Dropped off at Res (my home school) And get picked up by my second bus which takes me to Jones (a school that 4 other schools in our district also go to--we are there for the first half of the day)

8:20 - Get to Jones

8:23-9:05 - Algerbra (bllluughh)

9:08-9:50 - Science

9:53-10:35 - Information Processing (Computers)

10:38-11:20 - Art (YAY!)

11:25 - Get on bus that takes me back to Res for the Day

11:40 - Lunch

12:00 - Religion

12:30 - Literature/History (every other day opposite of each other)

2:00 - Depends on the day of the week-either gym, guidance or Library/Computer

2:55 - Dismissal!! (Yay!)