Current Projects

Kehau's Dominion- I'm really excited at how this webpage has grown. I'm learning so much. Slowly but surely this page is getting a complete facelift. I just changed this page. The graphic above is another by Herb Kane. It's named "Puanani". Isn't she pretty? I have also added a webring which I have been wanting to do for some time now.

Malia's Path to Gaidin Web Page- Believe it or not, I am working on this page! I've been writing "Malia's" Biography. The reason why I have been having so much difficulty is because this character has "split". She is in two role-playing towers; one as a Gaidin-In-Training and the other is Aes Sedai. I am writing her bio to the split and then I'll link it to my other page for Aes Sedai and the other will continue on the Gaidin page.

My Apartment-I am slowly getting accustomed to having my own place. It's hard for me to get used to having a Parking Space of my very own!! I'm still unpacking but for the most part everything is in.

Kai's in school!- Because of my work schedule, I've needed to change him to another school. Oh man, what a mess! His teacher is really cool and hopefully he will be starting his speech therapy again. ~smiles~

Wedding!!-~Drum roll~ Yes! It's a new wedding on the horizan!....ME!!!! I am getting married to Damian Wright in July!! WhooHooo!!! He's a Wonderful man. I Love Him so much. Don't worry...I'll keep you posted on this one. ~wink~

Work, work, and more work!!-I am working Three part-time jobs right now! ACK!! A little more than I want but hey it pays the bills. I'm waiting for a management position or something more permanent. For now, it's full steam ahead!

More updates later in the month!


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