Hula Bitch Dedication

This page is dedicated to all my sisters who are members of the B*I*T*C*H Webring. I am the HulaBitch! WhooHooo!! =D I have thought long and hard about how to present this page. For me to give the creed justice, I'll have to don my "blue shawl". ~wink~

Okay, so you may have already read my personal info page...maybe not ~shrug~ but if you did, you know a little about me. Now you know I'm also a B*I*T*C*H! (Being In Total Control of Herself)

I am who I am because of my experiences. I do not regret any pain I have suffered. I have embraced the pain and have brought goodness up from it. It has made me strong... and Green!(If you don't know why I'm giving color references to myself...well, you've got to read the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan or wait for me to do an Ajah page =D)

The strongest and most influential woman in my life who has instilled the role of independance in me was my Mother. We have had many difficulties in our relationship throughout my life (everyone knows Greens and Whites have a hard time seeing eye to eye!) but I admire her and appreciate her in teaching me to stand up for myself and to follow my dreams.

There are specific standards that I hold valuable to me and which I believe make me the proud B*I*T*C*H that I am today.


There are many more to write down but these three are at the top of my list. Few people in this world can say that I regard them with any one of these values. They need to be earned...not given away freely. You can say that's tough. You are right, it IS tough. My Papa always told me that anything of worth needs to be worked hard for and earned. The only exception I have to Love is the love of a child which should always be unconditional....always.

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The word "Bitch" has been made into an ugly word at this present time.This webring of fantastic women are working hard to change that. I'm proud to be a part of it. These are the causes we support:

Nick the Llama-Anti Child Pornography Campaign
Starlight Children's Foundation
The Forgotten Children With HIV/AIDS
Make-A-Wish Foundation of America
National Breast Cancer Centre
Sexual Assault Information Page
Camp Quality-Support for Children With Cancer
Stop Domestic Violence

Well, that's it for now. I'm sure I will add to this as I can't seem to leave a single page alone....too many new ideas and I'm learning so much (HTML) every day! Since I AM the HulaBitch, I am sure this will be where I will put a link to my Hula page. I'm working up a history on the dance and pulling together some of my favorite chants. Please e-mail me or ICQ me via pager with your comments on this page. I would love to hear from you.



A Virtual Hula-Just For You!