Chapter 1


Keahikai. Fire on the Water. He was a raker. The fastest and largest type of ship to sail the seas today. Kehau looked at the masts and pursed her lips with pride. It was a good name. She had chosen the very best materials for this ship and had waited long for its completion. Kehau began walking the deck from bow to stern. She eyed her crew members stoically as she past them. They had understood. They all was their clan too afterall!!! They all were keenly aware of the importance of this journey.

She leaned on the railing watching the waves slam up against the starboard side. They were cutting through quickly. Konane was doing and excellent job catching the right wind. Her windfinder, and sister, was quite skilled in her young years. She would go far in her life above the water. Kehau could only hope Konane would find peace on her ship and remain even after her journey is complete.

Kehau had been asked to find the Lost Child of the Mahina Tribe. She was now probably a grown woman, if she was still alive. Determined to fulfill that which was asked of her, Kehau continued to follow the only solid lead she had. This woman was rumored to be living in Tar Valon.

The Split

Little Kehau peered around the corner of her mother's chambers not understanding much of what was being said. All she knew was that her mother was very upset at her Auntie Kahiku. Little Akoni sat in the corner with his ears covered, saddened by the argument. Kehau looked over at him realizing there was no sense in asking him...he wasn't even listening!!! Mahina, her mother, always told her to listen very carefully. Everyone would always tell her something even if very little was said. This puzzled Kehau but, she still tried to listen to her mother and auntie.

"I can't believe it, Kahiku! What possessed you to do such a thing?" "Mahina, I know you are upset. I have half the ship in Tanchico looking for her." "You took my this ship...and LOSTher?" "Yes, Mahina...but it was an accident. I had no intent to harm her. I set her down for just a moment...she must have wandered off." "I grow tired of your explanation, kahiku. Leave my presence." "But Mahina!!" "GO!!...pray the light finds her, sister...for your sake."

Kahiku turned and walked out of Mahina's chambers into the hall with distress washed over her face. She turned to face Kehau and kissed her on the cheek. She grabbed Akoni and dragged him down the hall, kicking and screaming. She watched him go, his hand stretched out toward her. It was hard to believe that 13 years would pass before she would see him again.

After many days, the search came to a close. There was no trace of the child. She was assumed to be dead. A two year old wandering around Tanchico would find death easily if left unattended. Mahina called off the search and told her Windfinder to catch the southwestern wind back to their homeland. The discourse remained on board until they landed in Tremalking. Mahina and Kahiku continued to fight, resolving nothing. The crew had begun to take sides. They were quickly starting to split up. A little more than half stayed with Mahina and the other half went with Kahiku. There formed the Mahina(Moon) tribe and the Kahiku(Sun) tribe.

A Summons

13 years later.....

Kehau sat in the tree waiting patiently. She was well hidden by the lush leaves. He was very late today. Still she waited. Kehau heard footsteps sloshing through the water toward her and eagerly looked through the leaves to the shallow water below. She drew back quickly when she found it was not Akoni but, a SerpentMan. Dressed in the usual attire of all white brocade trousers and a red braided sash, he called up to her.

"Kehau din Mahina. Come now down from the branch. Your Mother wishes to see you."

She sighed loudly trying to think of a way to get out of this.

"No use Kehau. You can not run away. I would not make Mahina wait if I were you."

"Stop it!! I hate when you do that!!! Can't my thoughts be my own?"

"Until you learn to block me, little Kehau, they are mine to hear."

"Little Kehau!!" She jumped down from the branch, splashing water all over Hilo's trousers. "I would remind you, Hilo, that I am 17 and, "Kehau turned her left ear to him, "by count and by right 3 rings equate Eindfinder ranking! I am hardly "little" anymore."

Hilo grinned. He took his pinky finger and looped it through her rings making her wince as he urged to follow him. "Well then Windfinder, may I remind you that your Mother is a Wavemistress of the 12 and by right can make you a deckgirl again."

Kehau protested no longer. She would see her Mother.

Ka'a Mai

Hilo let go of her ear just before they turned the corner to go down the long hall to her Mother's chambers. At least he was good enough to allow her to retain her dignity. She could see many people shuffling in and out of her room. Kehau stopped. She didn't want to say it.

"Yes, Kehau. She woke up this morning with it. She has the ka'a mai. She is not afraid. Your Mother is a brave woman."

Kehau nodded and proceeded down the hall. The ka'a mai had taken over her tribe as well as the Kahiku tribe. Many were dying from it. The SerpentMen could find no solution. The strain on the tribes was close to unbearable. One day you were fine, the next you were on your death bed. Some lived for weeks and slowly death would take them. Other times it was a matter of hours, but the fact remained that there was no cure. Her Mother was going to die.


"The Piano"