Chapter 2

Truth Be Told

Kehau stepped into her Mother's chambers, head held high. The boathouse shifted slightly causing Kehau to step back a bit for balance. It was common knowledge that she and her Mother did not mix well. She had to admit that she was a strong minded woman but so was her Mother and that is where they clashed like a torrent sea storm. They had managed for the last 3 years to all but ignore one another and with Kehau moving swiftly up in rankings, it had been easy to do. She wondered why she would summon her. She cared for her Mother because she was her Mother and she believed the feelings were mutual from Mahina. Kehau wanted nothing from her and believed that Mahina was not about to bestow anything to her now that she was on her death bed.

She came into Mahina's bed chambers and quickly scanned the room looking for her Father. She found comfort in Kaleo but he was no where to be found. Her disappointment did not show as she stepped closer to the foot of her bed. Four SerpentMen were working over her. They were trying new herbal mixtures which by the smell alone could put anyone in a sour mood. Mahina writhed in her bed, flinging her arms about, knocking one of the concoctions out of the SerpentMan's hand. Hilo urged Kehau forward. Lined up on either side of her bed were several of her brothers and sisters. Konane gave Kehau a wink and a warm smile but the others avoided her eyes. Hmmm. She wondered what this was all about!

"You have summoned me, Mahina din Leilahua?" Kehau asked clearly. She pressed her fingers to her lips then gently touched her forehead and heart in respect. Mahina turned her eyes on Kehau, staring at her with disdain. "YOU, " she hissed and pointed to Kehau, "ho'okamakama." The room gasped and whispered amongst themselves. Konane kept her eyes on Kehau. Kehau didn't move but the heat was beginning to rise in her neck. Calmly Kehau replied, "This is what you have summoned me to hear, Mahina?" She huffed and turned to leave.

"You are forbidden to see Akoni!! Hear that....FORBIDDEN!" Mahina broke out into a coughing fit.

Kehau whirled around and stomped across the deck to her Mother. "You are dead to me woman. Soon you will be dead to everyone else as well. You have no power over me....or Akoni. I have given myself freely to him....not ho'okamakama! I will marry him and we will see to it that the tribes are united! You and Kahiku's hatred for one another has made our blood weak. Kiapolo sees this and has cursed this tribe as well as the Kahiku tribe with the ka'a ma'i!" Kehau sighed. "I don't know why I'm wasting my time talking to you. None of you will listen! I am taking a post with the Sky Chaser and I intend to stay with that ship for many moons. May the Light shine forgiveness on thee, Mahina and take you into his embrace when you are laid in the salt." Kehau looked Mahina in the eye. Her Mother's face was unreadable but she looked away from Kehau's gaze making Kehau nod slightly glad that she had said her peace. Kehau turned and looked at her brothers and sisters unable to catch anyone's eyes but Konane's who stared at her fearfully. Leaving Konane was her only regret as she left her Mother's chambers for the very last time.

Swiftly she ran across the decks. Down the stairs and around to the next level. She was running so fast that the boathouses began to rock back and forth as the water moved beneath the rickety planks forcing water up through the cracks dampening her feet. Well, she hoped to make her post on the Sky Chaser. Light she was late. She may have to swim to make it. She knew that Napeha was not one to wait...even for her Windfinder. Finally she made it to the landing and jumped into the shallow basin. Hurriedly, she called up to the tree.

"Akoni! Time to go!"

Akoni leaped down from the branch into the water. "Light woman! Must you leave everything to the last minute?"

"Well, it's a long story but I was here before you initially!"

"Yes, Kehau I know." Akoni hefted both of their bags up onto his shoulder as they ran for the main dock. They jumped from the dock to the Sky Chaser just as the last anchor came up. Kehau leaned on the railing trying to catch her breath. Napeha paid no mind to Kehau or Akoni's last arrival.

"Windfinder! Due east!"

Kehau immediately embraced the source and set to work weaving the air and water to catch the right wind. She was again where she felt the most comfort....on board a ship and with Akoni.

A Long Wait

Hilo set the tea to flame and stepped near the window to see the Sky Chaser head out to sea.

"Why did you let her leave, Hilo?"

"I cannot touch the wheel, Mo'o Kane. If she is the one, the pattern will shift to suit the thread and the prophecy will be fulfilled. However, I do not believe she is the one to unite the tribe."

"But she said....."

Hilo shook his head. "How she knew about the curse on the tribes as being the root of of the ka'a ma'i I do not know. She is a dreamer so, that it may be that she knows from her dreams. I do not know for sure. I do know the prophecy backward and forward concerning this clashing of tribes. The one who will reunite the tribes is a land-dweller and bears a sword of honor. Kehau shares neither of these qualities but then again they may truely be symbolic in which case I will have to research it further especially on those two points."

Mo'o Kane and Hilo continued to watch the Sky Chaser disappear into the dusk. Time would only tell how long before Kehau and Akoni returned.
