
*A collection of poetry, sayings, little stories, etc. created and compiled by
many of my friends and various authors. Enjoy!*


A shimmering light, within dreams
Touches the soul, and makes it sing
Distant it appears, but yet so near
Reaching out, having no fear

A thought, a word, a voice on a breeze
Softly whispers, like rustling of leaves
Lifting free, to embrace the Light
Two become one, travelling, throughout the night

The night to end, the lights receede
Breaking away, seperate and free
Calling the other, thoughts retrieved
Be calling again, tonight, in dreams.

Your Gaidin


Thinking of You

Tell me mama is your life a better change?
And tell me mama
Would you live your life the same or come back
And rearrange?
Tell me mama how is freedom?
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
And I'm trying now
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
Tell me mama
Are the colors deeper shades?
And tell me mama are there great big brass parades?
Does the sun shine night and day?

Tell me mama no more sleeping
Tell me mama no more weeping
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
And I'm trying now
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be
Tell me mama is it just the way they say?
And tell me mama are you missing me the way
I'm missing you today?
Tell me mama can you hear me?
Oh I'm thinking of you?
And all the things that you wanted me to be
And I'm trying now
Oh I'm thinking of you
And all the things that you wanted me to be

Lenny Kravitz

When a man seeks obstacles to measure his strength,
He goes towards the north.

If he needs rest and tranquility,
He turns to the south.

To learn of his future,
He turns off for the west.

And he returns to the east
To discover his origins.

But for the longest of voyages,
He travels motionless, inside himself.



Sitting in silence helps me to listen to myself
sometimes I don't like what I hear
the loss of control consumes my soul
there is no balance
scattered thoughts
remnants of dreams out of focus
linear time is non existent
direction is moot
swirling colors and faces and places
things float above me just out of reach
what are they
I cannot tell until I touch
but my mind won't let me
or I won't let my mind let me
I need to let it go
let it fall into place
not hold on so tight
I'm frightened by it but excited too
If I hold on, I'll know where it is, no matter how mixed up
If I let go, I lose control...of the lack of control
There is no reason to my reason
but it comforts me in some slanted way
I know what is best
and that what I do now is not
but it is what feels safe for me
I make no sense but I make sense to me

Nenia Vayu

We Go On

A love ended
A hope torn
A heart Wrended
A child born
We go on

A hope to give
A heart to mend
A life to live
A journeys end
We go on

I heard your past
I felt your pain
It won't last
You'll love again
You'll go on


Down, down she goes
Down deep in thoughts so real.
Unknown are worlds she knows
Unfelt are feelings she feels.

So long she plays
She plays in her garden of fear.
Alone, yet she always stays
Smiling through every tear.

Sunlight shades her eye
A pleasant pain she'll greet.
She knows her time is nigh,
The reaper soon she she'll meet.

Down, down she goes
Down deep in thoughts so real,
Unknown are worlds she knows
Unfelt is the death she'll steal.


Email: ia.kehau@angelfire.com
"Shape of My Heart" Sting