2008-2009: General Education Learning Outcomes Assessment – Information Literacy

E. Information Literacy: Demonstrate the ability to locate, comprehend, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically.

Gen Ed courses:  BSC 2010, BSC 2085, BSC 2086, DEP 2004, ECO 2013, ECO 2023,  HUM2511, SLS 1001

Learning Outcomes


Related Courses and Measurement



Performance Criteria/

Expected Results


Actions taken

Student will demonstrate the ability to locate relevant resource materials available in the library or through the community college system in either electronic or print format.

Rubric: BSC2010 standardized assignment  and rubric



Establish baseline scores for performance based on web based tutorial to facilitate research writing:

Rubric: structure, organization, quality, amount, sources and info game for content on the standardized paper grading sheets based on research

Indicates a  weakness in research based writing as evidenced  in baseline scores (without info game tutorial 66.1 average grade and with it was a 89.9% average grade)

Rubric performance means:

Structure: 3/5
organization: 4/5

quality: 3.5/5

amount: 2.5/5

sources: 4.5/5

info game/unknown: 3.5/5 



1.    Adapted data collection process to increase sampling frame to BSC 2085, BSC 2086, DEP2004, ECO2013, HUM2511  Spring 2009

2.    Revised standardized rubric to apply to a variety of papers to generate a more uniform application (anticipated increase in evidence usage due to this change). Spring 2009

3.    Initiate a pre and post test using an online tutorial and assessment method- Summer 2009









Student will demonstrate the ability to differentiate between reliable and unreliable websites and relevant subject databases provided through the library, and utilize reliable electronic web resources to support their beliefs, position,

and/or argument.

BSC 2010 standardized assignment  and rubric


Establish baseline scores for performance based on web based tutorial to facilitate research writing:

Rubric: structure, organization, quality, amount, sources and info game for content on the standardized paper grading sheets based on research

Indicates a  weakness in research based writing as evidenced  in baseline scores (without info game tutorial 66.1 average grade and with it was a 89.9% average grade)

1.    Adapted data collection process to increase sampling frame to BSC 2085, BSC 2086, DEP2004, ECO2013, HUM2511  Spring 2009

2.    Revised standardized rubric to apply to a variety of papers to generate a more uniform application (anticipated increase in evidence usage due to this change). Spring 2009

3.    Initiate a pre and post test using an online tutorial and assessment method- Summer 2009


Student will demonstrate the ability to use information derived from a variety of sources in accordance with the laws and guidelines of “Fair Use” and intellectual property rights.

BSC 2010 standardized assignment  and rubric


Establish baseline scores for performance based on web based tutorial to facilitate research writing:

Rubric: structure, organization, quality, amount, sources and info game for content on the standardized paper grading sheets  based on research

Indicates a  weakness in research based writing as evidenced  in baseline scores (without info game tutorial 66.1 average grade and with it was a 89.9% average grade)

1. Adapted data collection process to increase sampling frame to BSC 2085, BSC 2086, DEP2004, ECO2013, HUM2511  Spring 2009

2. Revised standardized rubric to apply to a variety of papers to generate a more uniform application (anticipated increase in evidence usage due to this change). Spring 2009

3. Initiate a pre and post test using an online tutorial and assessment method-  Summer 2009