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Corprate Owners
Corprate Owners (President) - The Corp., Here lies 99.9% of the problems facing Nursing Homes today. These people do not see the Residents as human beings but as Debits and Credits. The big dollar sign in the sky. Thats why they own them. More money to line their already over-stuffed pockets. How do they make a profit you ask.

Well, do have you any idea what it costs for a room in a nursing home? From $2,700.00 and up. Unless of course your poor. Then it's based upon your SS or pension payment. Then they take all of that EXCEPT they have to leave you $50.00 a month for yourself. BUT they find ways to charge extra items to get even that $50.00. Such as disposable pads, toothpaste, tooth brushes, ointments, adult diapers, non-medicaid covered medications such as stool softeners. And the list goes on.

Inadequate staffing. That saves them a bundle! Hire the bare minimum, work them until they are too tired to continue, let them quit or find ways to fire them and not pay them unemployment.

No benefit package. You can imagine the savings here. They are in the business so they are aware of the high price of medical care. They won't pay for that. Too much cash flows out instead of in.

Low wages, saves them hugh amounts of cash. Let's just suffice it to say that if they can find a way to keep the money and not get into too much trouble. They will do it. The fines levied against them for infractions cost much less than to comply with the state regulations. If they find themselves in trouble the Corp. will "Fix" the problem for a very short time. Then it's back to the same old practices.

Corps. Buy and sell these homes and the people in them when the profit margin is too low, or a dedicated Dept. of Inspection & Appeals employee finds enough of a problem at the facility to really nail them, this happens only when they can find employees of the facility who aren't afraid to tell of the abuses come forward.

Who suffers because of these practices? The Resident, the human being whose home this is supposed to be. This person who may be Your Mother, your Father, Sister, Brother, etc.! They are doing the paying, paying for the crime of growing old and easily taken advantage of! Taken advantage of by the Corps. that could care less if they live or die except as a means of profit!

We as Nursing Professionals should not condone nor let these abuses continue. Write to your elected officials. Tell them to increase the fines and penalties levied against the money hungry corporations that feed upon our elderly and handicapped Family members. Remember that some day you may be in one of these facilities, suffering the same abuses that you have the power to stop NOW!!!


Email: WebMaster


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